Med. Weter. 38 (8-9), 385-492, 1982


Less known animal viruses Larski Z., Trybała E., Rotkiewicz Z. [digitized] 387
Chosen problems of immunity and healthy state of lambs Kita J., Bielecki W., Dobrowolski W. [digitized] 393
Serum immunoglobulins level in colibacteriosis of newborn calves . . . Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 396
Histopathological lesions in chicken inclusion hepatitis Roszkowski J., Karpińska E., Minta Z., Samorek-Salamonowicz E. [digitized] 400
Antibacillary activity of some iodophores . . Skwarek P., Żórawski C, Karpiński T. [digitized] 402
Coriban in the treatment of praeimaginal fascioliasis of sheep . Chowaniec W., Furmaga S., Paciejewski S., Ziomko I., Bartnicka B., Gundłach J., L.,
Sadzikowski A.
[digitized] 405
Morphological changes in semen of boars of polish white and polish great white breeds in various seasons of the year Sławuta R., Morstin J. [digitized] 410
Usefulness of heat synchronization in pigs on an industrial farm Zwierzchowsk i T., Bąk Cz. [digitized] 414
An attempt of applaying automatic measurement of milk temperature during milking for . detection of oestrus in cows Gil Z. [digitized] 416
Formation of chosen parameters of fertility in relation to the course of lactation curve and milk yield Hibner A., Jankowski Z., Króliński J. [digitized] 419
The influence of the age of heifers mating on milk production in the first lactation . Trautman J., Zalewski W., Czarnecka T. [digitized] 423
Sterility of cows in a large scale breeding Jędreas A. [digitized] 426
Atypical progesterone (P4) concentration during the postpartum period and early pregnancy in cows Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized] 430
Quality of bull's semen stored at low temperatures for 7 years Pilch J., Smorąg Z., Szczęśniak B. [digitized] 434
Campylobacter fetus infection of bulls in the Katowice and Częstochowa regions Mirski J., Boryczko Z. [digitized] 436
The Vth International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction Balbierz H [digitized] 438
Diseases of the udder and the protein content . of whey of the cow colostrum Balbierz H., Nikolajczuk M., Zieliński J. [digitized] 439
Simple clinical test for quantitation of the immunological complex and total serum proteins in neonates of the farm animals Ślebodziński A.,

Brzezinska-Slebodzińska E., Lipczak W., Rosa E.
[digitized] 442
Changes in the blood and internal organs of pigs during of stress of immobilization Fitko R., Kowalski A., Jakutoowski K., Brzezińska M. [digitized] 446
Surgival treatment of the penis prolapse in the boar Szafranek K. [digitized] 449
Field usefulness of TCL (amitrase) for the control of Varroa disease of the honey bee Romaniuk K., Lipiński Z. [digitized] 450
Radiological changes in the course of experimental osteitis in the rabbit Borowicz A., Podlewski J., Olszewski G. [digitized] 454
The application of cryotherapy in veterinary practice Komar E. [digitized] 456
Sesamoiditis Modrakowski A., Siembieda J., Szymonis-Szymanowski W. [digitized] 459
Observations on adaptation in a calf rearing house of a large scale farm animals derived from purchases in state and individual farms of the Lublin
Litwińczuk Z., Gnyp J. [digitized] 464
Effect of protein level in the diet on thyroid gland activity in chickens Byrka H, Kędzierska I., Poczopko P. [digitized] 467
Mycotoxins and fungi in feedstuffs components and mixed feeds Chełkowski J., Go liński P., Trojanowska E., Szebiotko K [digitized] 469
Studies on the usefulness of Masticort C with the addition of brillant blue as an index of the presence of detreomycin in milk Krzyżanowski J.,
Wawron W., Orlik S.
[digitized] 472
Glycolytic metabolism in experimental hyperthermia in pigs Dembek I., Mayzner-Zawadzka E. [digitized] 475
Isoelectric focusing of immunoglobulins Kowalska M., Wierciński J. [digitized] 479