Med. Weter. 38 (4), 133-192, 1982
Primary and secondary contaminations of raw milk imaterials produced by individual farmers toy coagulasepositive staphylococci . . . Kurek C.,
Niemczyk K., Górniewicz C, Stawicki W. [digitized] 138
Niemczyk K., Górniewicz C, Stawicki W. [digitized] 138
A trial of the determination of factors influencing penetration into milk antibiotics applied intrauterinally in cows Marciniak T. [digitized] 141
The influence of the components of pickling compounds on the antagonism of bactoenzymes in relation to some microorganisms Szteyn J. [digitized] 144
Mechanical washing of duck eggs using different washing and disinfecting preparations and disinfectants Bednarczyk M. [digitized] 147
Slaughter value of meat from bulls fed with the addition of molasses Wajda S., Wichłacz H., Meller Z., Denaburski J., Grześkowiak E. [digitized] 148
Assay of immunogenicity of Listeria monocytogenes strains . Nowacki J., Lewandowska S., Wachnik Z., Konopa M., Przymus J., Bromirska J. [digitized] 154
The level of serum immunoglobulins in calves with respiratory syndrom Rzedzicki J., Mikucki J. [digitized] 157
Bacteriological examinations of the inflammatory secretions of udders taken from cows of indywidual farms Malinowski E., Krzyżanowski J. [digitized] 161
The usefulness of Vaibazen (Albendazole) CIBA — GEIGY for the control of nemathodes in horses Romaniuk K [digitized] 164
Assay of metaphylactic -usefulness of Terramycin LA in pig fattening Korol J., Filipiak K, Malicki K [digitized] 165
Concentration of mineral elements in the calf serum reared under condition of a large farm Białkowski Z., Saba L. [digitized] 169
The influence of a long- term application of phénobarbital on its concentration in blood and tissues of animals Kleczkowski M. [digitized] 171
Early discovery of horse melanoma using antigenic provocation of leukergy Meresta L., Kotyrba E., Meresta T. [digitized] 173
The influence of parturition period in primiparous cows on a milk yield in the first lactation Trautman J., Zalewski W., Pęksyk J. [digitized] 179
The course of postpartum period following two subsequent parturitions . . Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized] 181
A case of vulvovaginitis in pigs fed with fodder contaminated with Zearalenon Kulczycki J., Poznański ,1., Przewoski J., Waśniewski A. [digitized] 184
Veterinary and zootechnie aspects of the effectiveness of chicken^heasant hatching in pheasantry Jethon W., Mazurkiewicz M. [digitized] 186