Med. Weter. 14 (8), 449-512, 1958


A case of Aujeszky's disease in breeding foxs Ugorski L. [digitized] 449
The use of immune sera produced in laboratory animals for complement fixation test in the diagnosis of equine infectious anaemia. I. Separation of
the sera by Castellani's method
Radomiński W. [digitized] 450
Diagnostic value of lesions in the spleen in Swine fever Zadura J. [digitized] 454
Abortions in foxes caused by S. choleraesuis Czarnowski A. [digitized] 459
On the standarization of the stained suspension of Br. abortus for agglutination. II. Cultivation of the strain and the age of the culture
Anczykowski F.
[digitized] 461
A case of tuberculosis in a dog; Kossakowski S. [digitized] 462
Biochemical properties of some staphylococcal strains isolated from cases of alimentary poisonings Gałuszka J. [digitized] 464
Producibility of pigs in Poland Mały F. [digitized] 467
Obstructions of the caecum in the horse and therapeutic measures Nagórski F. & Joszt B. [digitized] 470
A method of closure of the inguinal annuli in the course of castration of pigs Klepaczko F. & Lewandowski M. [digitized] 473
The problem of artificial insemi-nation of cattle in the Olsztyn district Kastyak L. [digitized] 476
A case of a complicated fracture of the humerus in a puma Korda P. & Pruski S. [digitized] 480
Colic diseases of horses Finik Z. [digitized] 482
Differential diagnosis of colic diseases Patyra W. [digitized] 486
Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of colic diseases Pinkiewicz E. [digitized] 490
Physico-therapy in the treat¬ment of colic diseases of horses Tarkiewicz S. [digitized] 494
Complications in the course of colic diseases Kurczab R. [digitized] 498