Med. Weter. 14 (7), 385-448, 1958
Changes in the level of protein fractions of the pig blood sera during immunization process by the crystal violet (CV) vaccine inoculation
Juśko-Grundboeck J. and Żebrowski L. [digitized] 385
Juśko-Grundboeck J. and Żebrowski L. [digitized] 385
Attemps of complex fight against fluke disease of cattle in the Rzeszów province Chowaniec W., Dróżdż J. and Wertejuk M. [digitized] 388
Control of Swine fever by the use of the CV waccine in Rawa Mazowiecka district, Łodz province in 1957 Piechocki A. [digitized] 392
Bacteriological studies of duck eggs naturally and artificially infected with Salmonella typhimurium Gaugusch Z. [digitized] 393
Tentative use of the rumen contents as a supplement to food for rearing chickens Dubiski J. and Pać J. [digitized] 397
The stilboestrol test for differential diagnosis of pyometritis and pregnancy Senze A. [digitized] 407
Operative treatment of a longitudinal fracture of the knee — cap in a horse Szeligowski E. [digitized] 411
Influence of penicillin produced in Poland on the survival of the semen of bulls Rosłanowski K. [digitized] 421
Development of veterinary toxicology in Czechoslovakia and its present role Oplistil M. [digitized] 423