Med. Weter. 14 (1), 1-64, 1958


Studies on the biology of the Teschner disease virus Larski Z., Szaflarski J., Szurman [digitized] 2
The effect of the ophthalmic malleinization on the results of complement fixation test in horses examined intradermo-palpebrally and sub
cutaneously with mallein
Stehlik Z. & Zarzycki J. [digitized] 5
Fowl brucellosis III a. On the cross-agglutination phenomenon with Brucella and Salmonella pullorum Anczykowski F., Murat P., Gryczowa B. [digitized] 10
The cases of rodentiosis in Myocastor coypus Woźniak D. & Chwalibóg J. [digitized] 11
Some remarks on the XXVth Session of the International Office of Epizootics held in Paris Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 12
On the specifity of precipitating sera Gajos E. [digitized] 15
Some remarks on the use Ilia. On the of gynecologic fork of Caemmerer . . Kowalczyk S. [digitized] 17
The normal course of pregnancy and parturition in case of the inguinal hernia in a bitch Wołkowski O. & Łobarzewska J. [digitized] 20
A case of the operative recovering from the volvulus of jejunum in a mare Wróblewski J. [digitized] 21
A contribution to the preventive treatment of fractures of pelvis in the little dogs Koper S. [digitized] 23
Linseed poisoning in heifers Bąk T., Bubień Z. [digitized] 24
The development of artificial insemination of cattle in Western countries Hoppe R. [digitized] 27