Med. Weter. 68 (11), 656-661, 2012

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Śmiałek M., Tykałowski B., Stenzel T., Pestka D., Koncicki A.
Infectious Laryngotracheitis: pathogenesis and perspectives of immunoprophylaxis
Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious, acute disease of the respiratory system in chickens worldwide. Clinically the disease may occur in a wide range of severity – from subacute to peracute form. Latency of the ILT virus is commonly observed in the course of this disease. In this study special attention was paid to describing the latency of the ILT virus, its mechanisms, and dangerous consequences. Live attenuated vaccines are commonly used in the immunoprophylaxis against the ILT which, despite their effectiveness, have a number of shortcomings. One of them is the possibility of virulence reversion of the vaccine virus strains, which can directly cause the outbreak of the disease. Considering the above, it seems necessary to improve the current immunoprophylaxis strategies with the use of new, safer and equally efficient vaccines. This article presents the basic advantages and disadvantages of the future vaccines against the ILT i.a. vector vaccines as well as the DNA vaccines. High hopes are associated with the results of the research on the development of a gene deletion vaccine. This vaccine seems to achieve the requirements for the ideal vaccines (high immunogenicity, manageability, lack of reversion of the virulence).
Key words: infectious laryngotracheitis, virus latency, live and recombinant vaccines