Med. Weter. 15 (12), 737-800, 1959


150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birthday Tarczyński S. [digitized] 737
Cases of Aujeszky's disease in pigs Janowski H. [digitized] 741
The actual Foot and Mouth Disease situation in Europe Oberfeld H., Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 746
Infection of minks with bacillus oedematis maligni Bal bier z H., Jasińska S., Kuprówski M. [digitized] 751
Moniliasis of lambs caused by alimentary infection . Janowski W., Jasińska S. [digitized] 753
Morphological studies of the thyroid glands of the Polish Red Cattle on the Podhale area Ewy Z., Jaszczewska D., Zaciewska I. [digitized] 754
A rare seminal defect associated with infertility in a bull Jaśkowski L., Romaniuk J. [digitized] 760
From urologie casuistry in dogs Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 761
A case of poisoning of piglets with potato shoots Hauptman B., Kamiński K. [digitized] 762
Blood groups in cattle and their role in breeding Spryszak A. [digitized] 763