Med. Weter. 16 (10), 577-640, 1960


Brucellosis of tares in Poland Hay J. [digitized] 577
The XXVIIIth Session of the International Epizootic Bureau in Paris Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 581
The course and treatment of thelaziasis of cattle Kostyra J. [digitized] 584
Comparison of the intranasal and intratracheal with the intramuscular immunization of hens against Newcastle disease Gliński Z.,
Szernberowa M.
[digitized] 585
A review of methods of diagnosis of traumatic reticulitis in cattle Tatarkiwicz S. [digitized] 590
Haematologic studies of thoroughbred horses and horses Fiording Stankiewicz W., Markiewiczowa Z., Malinowski W. [digitized] 594
Developmental changes of the reproductive organs of goats Bie1ańska-Osucowska Z., Rosłanowski K. [digitized] 599
Studies on tranquilin Chruściel C, Jastrzębski T., Majdan S., Samorek M. [digitized] 602
A case of traumatic rupture of the heart muscle in a dog Michalski Z. [digitized] 605
Local papillomatosis of the gums in a fox Michalaka Z., Balbierz H. [digitized] 606
Plaster bandages in cases of contracture of the flexors of the digit in foals Orzeszkowski S. [digitized] 607
A case of poisoning of heifers with Oenanthe aquatica Międzybrodzki K. [digitized] 608
Effect of the addition of the preparate Vavtt-12 to food on the results of fattening of pigs Abgarowicz F., Kotarbińska M. [digitized] 609
Increase of eggs-laying by inhibi¬ting the clucking of hens Sandor P. [digitized] 613
Report on the FAO International Meeting on Veterinary Education Stański F. [digitized] 614