Med. Weter. 17 (7), 385-448, 1961
Tasks and aims of the veterinary service in Poland at the present time. Gucwa S. [digitized] 385
Roentgenodiagnosis of di¬seases of the spinal column in small animals. Stefaniak W. [digitized] 387
An attempt to determine a haematological index of the horses of the rightbank districts of the Warsaw province Stankiewicz W.,
Czaplicka-Gruszewska H. [digitized] 391
Observations on the incidence of the haemolytic factor in the semen of bulls Romaniuk J. [digitized] 395
Clinical and morpho¬logical symptoms of Pityriasis rosea in pigs. Kaszubki ewicz C [digitized] 398
Sigmamycin in the treatment of canine distemper. . Bochdalek R., Nowacki J. [digitized] 400
Technique of the punctio of the spleen in cattle Wyrzykowski Z. [digitized] 402
Spontaneous poisoning of a cat with lighting gas Dzilinski E. [digitized] 404
Protective obstetric paste „Biogel" — Drwalew. Glazer T. [digitized] 406
Technological advance of saltnig natural intestines. Pezacki W. [digitized] 407
Utilization of animal carcasses and slaughter by-products Gaugusch Z. [digitized] 410
Radioactivity in milk. . . . 414 Worseck M. [digitized] 414
Five-year 1961—1965 plan in the food industry Kocot M. [digitized] 417
Participation of the bovine type of My-cobacterium in cases of human tuberculosis. Mulak K., Bielańska A., Chodkowski A. [digitized] 419
Infectious virus abortions in seven State Studs Ganowicz M., Buhl A. [digitized] 422
Air microf actors in the animal breeding environment (I). Janowska T. M. [digitized] 429
Possibilities to arrange the copulation season of the polarfoxes without the trial mating of the pairs Szuman J. [digitized] 435
Proteins and nonprotein nitrogen in the semen of the domestic fowl. Pytasz M., Klymiuk B. [digitized] 437