Med. Weter. 17 (5), 257-320, 1961


Use of histological methods of examination of the reproductive organ in mares for diagnosing diseases of this organ Preibisch J. [digitized] 257
Sudies on the pharmacodynamics of some drugs under the stress conditions Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 262
Reanimation of the heart of the dog Zakiewicz M. [digitized] 264
Observations on the action of tranquilin in horses Lewandowski M. [digitized] 268
Joint-bone lesions caused by rheumatism in animals Lachowicz S. [digitized] 270
Healing of wounds in the region of the natural body openings Kamiński A. [digitized] 272
A review of some problems on the physiology and pathology of the mammary gland Biborski J. [digitized] 274
Helminthiasis of the stomach and intestines in sheep Stefański W. [digitized] 278
Infectious virus gastroenteritis in pigs Janowski H., Gołaszewski H [digitized] 281
Biochemical and serological studies of the microorganisms Pateurella multocida Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 285
Report on the OIE and FAO Conference in Paris on African swine and horse fever Lar ski Z. [digitized] 293
The effect of ethylic ester of para-hydroxyibenzoie acid on the durability of cold marinades Zaleski S., Jara S., Suchocka J. [digitized] 296
Organization of the work of WIS on the terrain of Wrocław Wisłowska K. [digitized] 299
The use of the plastic in anatomical technique Welento J. [digitized] 300
The more important regula¬tions concerning the veterinary service introduced in 1960 Lutyński W. [digitized] 302