Med. Weter. 17 (3), 129-192, 1961


Teschen disease in Poland with particular reference to the Katowice province in 1949—1959 Szaflarski J. [digitized] 129
Isonicotinic hydrazide in the prevention of tuberculosis in animals Spryszak A. [digitized] 133
A vaccine against ND (strain F) contaminated with the virulent strain Marek K [digitized] 136
A case of anthrax on a farm of minks Steffen J. [digitized] 141
Few notes on the distri¬bution and treatment of the disease manife¬sted by chronic infectious catarrh of the respiratory tract in hens
Szemberowa M.
[digitized] 142
Fluke disease of cattle and sheep on the terrain of the Olsztyn province Wadowski S. [digitized] 144
Toxicologic studies on hydrocyanic acid content of Puławy variety of sorghum technicum Gorzelewska K., Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 147
Investigations on pathomorphology of horses used for immune-serum production Piusiński W. [digitized] 151
Proteins, lipo-proteids and glycoproteids in the serum of normal and ill dogs (electrophoretic studies) Tomicki Z., Nagórski F. [digitized] 159
Treatment of haematoma of ear conchae in dogs Lewandowski M. [digitized] 163
Treatment of intravaginal scro¬tal hernia in foals and young hogs Pielecki M. [digitized] 164
Studies on the noxious action of rancid fat in pigs Kaszubkiewicz C, Wartenberg L. [digitized] 166
The contents of copper, iron and cholesterol in the serum, haemoglobin in the blood and manganese in the cattle coat in the Szczecin province
Ewy Z., Ryś R.
[digitized] 169