Med. Weter. 18 (12), 705-768, 1962
Odo Bujwid pionieer of Polish medical and veterinary microbiology (1857—1942) Szaflarski J. [digitized] 705
Whiteside's modified test and its value for diagnosis of chronic inflammations of mammary glands in cows Kowalczyk S. [digitized] 710
Activity of the Gynecological Clinic of the Veterinary Faculty, College of Agriculture in Lublin during the ten years period (1951—1960) in the light of
statistical data Krzyżanowski J., Glazer T. [digitized] 715
statistical data Krzyżanowski J., Glazer T. [digitized] 715
Influence of supravital administration of ,,Biostat G. P." on the durability of fish meat Kocot M., Zawadzki Z., Hejłasz Z. [digitized] 721
The use of flaccidity causing agents for the prepar¬ing of horses for surgical treatment Badura R., Modrakowski A. [digitized] 734
Mass contraction of disease by cattle and sheep in cosequence of grazinfg on stubbles Bubień Z., Bąk T. [digitized] 739
Evaluation of anticoagulant rodenticicde preaparations Kaczorowski T., Długokęcka K. [digitized] 741
Attempt to use trypinized embryonic cells of guinea pig for the culture of Toxoplasma gondii Gałuszka J. [digitized] 746