Med. Weter. 18 (11), 641-704, 1962
Poisonings of game animals in the light of toxicological laboratory examinations Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 643
Morphological changes in the central nervous system of pigs in poisonings with common salt Michalska Z., Kaszubkiewicz C' [digitized] 646
Determination of the concentration of penicillin in the blood of pigs after parenteral administration of procaine penicillin, debecillin and penatrit
preparations Roliński Z., Fidecka H. [digitized] 654
preparations Roliński Z., Fidecka H. [digitized] 654
Haemorrhagia cutis in a case of foreign body in the stomach and liver of a pig Go1ka K. [digitized] 659
Examinations of irradiated animals from the point of view of hygiene of meat Stefaniakowa A. [digitized] 665
Analysis of results of serological examinations of human beings for brucellosis Siennicki W.. Ugorski L,. [digitized] 671
Zoohygienic aspects of diseases of the mammary gland in the light of English studies Borowski W. [digitized] 679
Air microf actors in the animal breeding environment (III) Janowski T„ M., Oleksynowa K. [digitized] 680
The use of Eber's test for hygienic evaluation of meals of animal origin Wronowski C' [digitized] 683
Accuracy of appreciation of the boar on the basis of various numbers of controlled litters Żuk B. [digitized] 686
Imposil, mineral mixture and forest soil as media preventing anaemia in sucking piglets, used in indoor and outdoor systems of management
Korniewicz A,., Kotlinski J., Poznański W. [digitized] 688
Korniewicz A,., Kotlinski J., Poznański W. [digitized] 688