Med. Weter. 18 (3), 129-192, 1962
Magnetic sonde and the magnet „Alnico' in the treatment and prophylaxis of traumatic reticulitis of cattle Tarkiewicz S. [digitized] 138
Observations on the use of the vaccine „R" against Newcastle disease of birds in infected flocks Kita J., Dziąba A. [digitized] 147
Testing the use of the bouillon with TTC (chloride 2, 3, 5, threephenyltetrazol) for the determination of the titre of bact. coli in samples
of milk Gliński W. [digitized] 151
of milk Gliński W. [digitized] 151
The use of oestrogenic substances for the stimulation of fattening of animals Teodoru V. [digitized] 157