Med. Weter. 18 (1), 1-64, 1962


Leukaemias in dogs Grundboeck M. [digitized] 3
Prevention of iron deficiency anaemia of suckling pigs using Ferrodex Szafranowa A., Michalska I., Filczewski M., Greń J. [digitized] 6
An attempt to establish the normal haemogram in minks of the standard variety Konarska A. [digitized] 10
Determination of the concentration of penicillin in the blood of sheep after the administration of crystalline, procaine and benzatine
Roliński Z., Służewski R. [digitized] 14
On the treatment of coccidiosis in chickens Dziąba A., Kita J. [digitized] 18
On the treatment of theiaziasis in cattle Bielawski M. [digitized] 19
Capped elbows in horses Kamiński A., Lachowicz S. [digitized] 19
Ichthyophthiriosis Kocyłowski B. [digitized] 21
Use of dextrornycin in injections against swine pasteurellosis Zahaczewski J., Chwalibóg J., Bartosz B. [digitized] 25
Toxoplasma antibodies in cattle in the Katowice province Gałuszka J., Ślęzak D. [digitized] 27
Studies on the carrier state of Salmonella and Shigella strains Ugorski L. [digitized] 28
A case of listeriosis in chinchilla and attempt to treat it .29 Senze A., Fertig S., Jasińska S. Tuberculosis of the mammary gland in a cow
caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, avian type
Steffen J. [digitized] 31
Trichinellosis of pigs and wild boars on the terrain of the Wroclaw province in 1958—1960 Ramisz A., Swiech S. [digitized] 33
Trichinellosis of pigs in the abattoir in Mysłowice in 1945—1960 Pustówka T. [digitized] 33
Studies on the preservation of bovine semen. VI. Attempts of improving the conditions of preservation at room temperature Jaśkowski L.,
Biwejnis-Klosowska D., Korycki S.
[digitized] 34
Characteristic of the changes of the domestic animals population in Poland in 1961 Klocek F. [digitized] 40
The haemagglutination inhibition test with the Newcastle disease virus subjected to the action of ether Larski S. [digitized] 43