Med. Weter. 19 (8), 420-484, 1963


Reaction and adaptation of pigs to the action of cold. II. Morphological changes and gains in body weight .... Kaszubkiewicz C [digitized] 421
Clinical evaluation of the tetracycline hydrochloride „Polfa" Gancarz B., Hejlasz Z., Janiak T. [digitized] 425
Experimental poisoning of dogs with alfanaphtylthiourea Bubien Z., Kotz J. [digitized] 428
Investigations on the general narcosis in pigeons . . . Studnicki W. [digitized] 431
Complication of eczema in eyelids of the dog . . Szczudłowska M. [digitized] 432
As regards Kunze and Moch's article about the presumption disease of the skin in monkeys Macaca Mulatta (Zimm. 1870) Korda P. [digitized] 433
Laparotomy in ileum occlusion of the horse .... Maciołek H. [digitized] 435
Treatment of verrucosis in cattle .... Rybka R., Panonka J. [digitized] 436
Shoes and sandals for the horses Jakubowski S. [digitized] 437
Observations on the enzootic coryza contagiosa bovum Cąkała S. [digitized] 439
Hemagglutination and hemolysis (M—D) in view of new researches Lipanowicz J. [digitized] 443
Attempts to differentiate the Anthrax bacillus from the Pseudoanthrax bacilli by use of gel precipitin test Lachowski E., Krzyżanowski S.,
Wawrzkiewicz K.
[digitized] 447
Antibiotics in the control of coccidiosis of poultry Przyjałkowski Z. [digitized] 453
Inspection and estimation butcher's meat of rabbits and the nutria Dąbrowski W. [digitized] 455
Intensity of liver fluke in cattle in Elblag's region . Luks J. [digitized] 457
Application of the Wroclaw method (epidural anaesthesia 40—45 per cent alcohol) for some obstetric diseases in cows with particular
consideration of eventration of the vagina .
Senze A. [digitized] 459
Applications of uterus biopsy method for controlling sterility of mares Żebracki A. [digitized] 464
Investigations on the value of the CAMP test for the detection of Streptococcus agalactiae Kowalczyk S. [digitized] 468
Results of the environmental and population research transmited to the praxis Skorkówski E. [digitized] 471