Med. Weter. 19 (6), 293-336, 1963


Reaction and adaptation of pigs to the action of cold. I. Symptoms and pathogenesis of spinal shock Kaszubkiewicz C. [digitized] 295
Leaves and industrial outfalls of white beet as the cause of diseases of cattle Pinkiewicz E. [digitized] 299
Vesiculography in dogs Jurczak M. [digitized] 304
Puncture of the liver in ruminants. I. Technique of the puncture of the liver in sheep Cąkala S. [digitized] 306
Intoxication of a heifer with Chaerophyllum Międzobrodzki K., Bąk T., Lewandowski L. [digitized] 309
The problem of brucellosis in the hygiene of food products Prost E. [digitized] 310
Variability of the internal aerobic microflora of raw cured pork products of the soft link sausage kind Pezacki W., Cybulko B., Urbaniak Ł.,
Gołębiowska S.
[digitized] 314
Further observations on the non — specific tuberculin reaction in cattle Spryszak A., Żórawski C [digitized] 319
Susceptibility of Erysipelothrix insidiosa to antibiotics and sulfonamides in vitro Anusz Z., Kita J. [digitized] 326
Polyedrosis, its aetiology and occurrence in breeding silkworms in Poland during 1956—1960.328 Golan ski K [digitized] 328
Science of herbs in the service of animal production Madler T. [digitized] 333
Principles and applica¬tion of the fluorescence microscopy Grundboeck M. [digitized] 337