Med. Weter. 19 (4), 185-228, 1963


Seasonal occurrence of pasteurellosis and climatic factors Gołębiowski S. [digitized] 185
Occurrence of diseases in breeding silkworms in Poland during 1956—1960 Golański K. [digitized] 188
A case of tuberculosis in a horse Szykuła R. [digitized] 190
Modern technology of slaughter of bacon pigs Pezacki W. [digitized] 191
Natural radioactivity of potassium in some food products animal origin Szulc M. [digitized] 196
Determination of the contents of chlortetracycline in hen eggs fed on food with an addition of antibiotics Rzewniś K., Więcławek B. [digitized] 199
Cysticercosis in pigs and dogs in Zabrze Prorok B. [digitized] 200
The application of novocaine blockades in animals Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 201
Attempts to submit to therapeutic treatment of papillomatosis of the mammary gland of cows using the liver pulp Krzyżanowski J., Buczek J. [digitized] 207
Activity of pancreatic lipase in the blood of calves during the growth period Kwiatkowski T., Rogowska W. [digitized] 209
Cured fracture of the shinbone in a cow Jakubik E. [digitized] 211
Influence of vessels used during milking on the bacterial- contamination of milk Matjiftwski T. [digitized] 211
Preliminary field studies on the use of oleic prolan, gestyl and stilboestrol in functional infertility in cows and heifers Jaworski K.,
Węgrzynowicz R.
[digitized] 214