Med. Weter. 19 (1), 1-64, 1963


Characteristics of actual radioactive contaminations Kossakowski S. [digitized] 2
Present opinions on diseases of the mammary gland and their control in cows Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 7
Diseases of reproduction organs of cattle occuring in Czechoslovakia Rosłanowski K. [digitized] 13
A case of carcinoma of the va¬gina in a cow Glazer T. [digitized] 13
Dynamics of fermentation of raw cured pork products. Ill Lower volatile fatty acids Duda Z., Pezacki W. [digitized] 16
Quantative relations between the individual tissues in fore and hind quarters of slaughter cattle depending on the age and post slaughter
class of animals
Nowicki L. [digitized] 23
Influence of biological factors on chemical composition of fish raw material Podeszewski Z. [digitized] 29
Pelotherapy iii veterinary medicine .... Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 32
Clinical evaluation of debecilin in the treat¬ment of horses, cattle and pigs Gancarz B., Hejłasz Z., Janiak T. [digitized] 34
X-ray diagnostic photographs directly enlarged in x-ray diagnostic of small animals Bembnowski B., Jurczak M. [digitized] 37
Ulceration of the stomach and duodenum in dogs Grzebuła Ś., Zając H. [digitized] 39
Sérodiagnostics of brucellosis in sheep . . . Ugorski L., Rygiel R. [digitized] 43
Syngamosis of Pheasants, its treatment and prophylaxis Martynowicz T., Ramis z A. [digitized] 45