Med. Weter. 20 (6), 321-384, 1964


Metabolism of the radioactive nucleids Iodine — 131, Caesium 137 and Strontium 90 in animal organisms. IT. The metabolism of Strontium.
Kossakowski S.
[digitized] 321
Some observations on the antiglobulin reaction in the serological diagnosis of cattle brucellosis Wiśniowski J., Romaniukowa K.,
Drożdżyńska M.
[digitized] 327
Investigations on Mastitis blastomy-cetica in cows Wołoszyn S., Krzyżanowski J., Zioło T. [digitized] 332
The Diagnostic Use of Test-tube Agglutination with Milk (APM) tested for Brucellosis Anczykowski F. [digitized] 342
Detrecmycin in the Treatment of Infectious Nasal Catarrh in Chickens Stępkowski S., Rzedzicki J., Sajczyk J. [digitized] 344
Serological Examination of Dogs for Toxoplasmosis Gabryś K. J., Gabryś A. [digitized] 345
Observations on the Effectiveness in the Therapy of Ascariasis of Swine, and the Toxicity of the Fluoride and Fluorsilicate of Soda Pinkiewicz E.,
Pieńkowski M.
[digitized] 352
The Clinical Treatment of Hoflund's Syndrome Tarkiewicz S. [digitized] 354
The Nitrite Screen in the Administration of Antiparen in Cows Jaworski K. [digitized] 357
Strophantine in Animal Therapy Fryc J. [digitized] 360
Attempts at an Early Diagnosis of Pregnancy in Cows by the Use of Stilboestrol Madeyski S. [digitized] 363
Consideration of the Character of Pauses in Winter Egg-Laying and the Degree to which this Feature is Congenital in Chickens
Głuchowski W. A
[digitized] 365
Blood Proteins and their Significance in the Organisms of Domestic Animals Nagórski F. [digitized] 369