Med. Weter. 20 (3), 129-192, 1964


The reaction and adaptation of pigs to cold IV. The reaction of the hypophysco-suprarenal system Kaszubkiewicz C [digitized] 129
New forms of Ciechocinek curative peat (a paste and peat-water) and new possibilities to use them in veterinary practice Senze A.,
Sadowski C
[digitized] 137
Hexachlorophene — a new remedy against Distomiasis Fasciola hepatica Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 139
Morphological changes in so-called ,.white meat" in animals Rubaj B. [digitized] 141
,,Hoof Cancer" and its background Modrakowski A. [digitized] 143
Urethrographia in dogs Jurczak M. [digitized] 147
A case of Perthes' disease in a dog Lachowicz S. [digitized] 149
Observations on the use of „Bubulin" in combatting gaddlies in cattle Zjimowski A. [digitized] 151
Congenital bi-lateral under-development of the eyes in a foal Komar E. [digitized] 153
Anti-oxidizing properties of°ivild rose hips as applied to pigs' Jard Koéppe S., Sierota W., Zalewski S. [digitized] 154
The influence of the most frequently occurring bacterial infections on the durability of pasteurized meat preserves Kafel S. [digitized] 158
The activity of the vaccine against Newcastle disease, derived from the LaSota strain liophilized in the presence of non-fat powdered milk
Chruściel C., Jastrzębski T.
[digitized] 161
Newcastle disease in the partridge (Perdix perdix) and pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) Tropiło J. [digitized] 164
Cow-pox in the Wrocław voivodship in connection with the vaccination of the populace against smallpox Bochdalek R. [digitized] 168
A case of listeriosis in a cow Steffen J. [digitized] 171
A confirmed case of cattle listeriosis in the Gdańsk voivodship Czarnowski A., Chyliński G. [digitized] 172
A description of the sexual behaviour of bulls, stallions and rams Wierzbowski Z. [digitized] 173
Investigations on the hepatic circulation of oestrogens in the sheep Mazurczak J., Sitarska E., Domański E. [digitized] 176
Alphaamylase activity in the blood of calves in the growth period Kwiatkowski T., Dubowy F., Rogowska W. [digitized] 178