Med. Weter. 20 (2), 65-128, 1964


Investigations on the abnormal course of the complementary link reaction in cattle after repeated vaccination with S-19 and after adsorbed
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 65
Attempts to treat cattle brucellosis with anti-biotics Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 69
The agglutination properties of the serum of horses, pigs, and sheep destined for slaughter, with respect to Brucella bacteria Tropiło J.,
Gajewski D.
[digitized] 71
Contemporary views on the etiology and therapy of fermentation disease in bees Gronek W. [digitized] 73
A case of stachybotriotoxicosis in a horse Wilczyński M. [digitized] 76
The first confirmed cases of cattle coccldiosis in Poland Maywald J. [digitized] 77
Salts of propionic acid in the treatment of acetonemia and indigestion in ruminants Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 78
An appraisal of chloropromasine on the basis of the author's own experiments with trankwilina produced by „Biowet", Puławy Kozłowski J. [digitized] 80
The fractioned use of barbiturates in pigs Badura R., Modrakowski A., Osiński B. [digitized] 86
Anti-invasim and congenital immunity in the horse Hejłasz Z. [digitized] 89
An appraisal of the effectiveness of hexachlorophene prod. „Polfa" against staggers, using Lienert's rat test RolińskiZ., Chmielecki L. [digitized] 95
Remarks on the de-worming of Alopex lagopus with antivermina Golacik C [digitized] 96
Tests on the anti-erysipeloid properties of coffeinic acid Żebrowski J. [digitized] 97
A case of poisoning in a horse, caused by potato tops sprayed with anti-Colorado beetle chemicals Lis H. [digitized] 98
The artificial bringing-on of lactation in barren heifers and cows Banica G., Teodoru V. [digitized] 99
A case of full-term ectopic pregnancy in a sow Maciolek H. [digitized] 100
The experimental causing of genetic changes in hens and ducks Gajos E. [digitized] 101
The length of the period between calving in cows normally and artificially inseminated Żuk B. [digitized] 103
Investigations on the heat distribution of the pig-fattening station in the State Farm at Kaliszki Szepelski L. [digitized] 105
The (resistance of micro-organisms, their influence on plastics and the disinfection of plastics Górska M. [digitized] 108
The Norwegian Institute of Research and Hygiene of Food Products in the Veterinary College in Oslo Ganowiak Z. [digitized] 111
The value of the iodine test as a test of the presence of D-tryptophan in urine Utzig J. [digitized] 111
Prolapsus recti in pigs Tymniak M. [digitized] 115
Parotid inflammation in a horse caused by blocking of Stenon's duct with salivary stones Fryc J. [digitized] 116
Observations from the country on the use of the suprameningeal alcohol blockade in cows with vaginal prolapse during pregnancy
Maciołek H.
[digitized] 117
The treatment of invasive diseases in sheep and poultry —observations from the country Józefów W. [digitized] 118