Med. Weter. 22 (12), 705-768, 1966


Trends and perspectives in the development of veterinary sciences in Poland Stryszak A. [digitized] 705
Effect of ionizing radiation on meat with consideration of the sanitary-veterinary appraisal Kossakowski S. [digitized] 709
Automatization of singeing and carcass-clean'ng processes in pig-slaughtering Pezacki W., Gracz J. [digitized] 714
Pathogenic bacteria in slaughter-house outflow. II. Acidfast bacteria . . Bojarski J. [digitized] 718
Clinical observations in cattle of lowland black-white breed in large herd farming in the climate of N. Africa Kurek C [digitized] 719
Anaphylactic shock and ocdematous disease of swine Kaszubkiewicz C, Ugorski L., Zalesiński A. [digitized] 724
Epidemiological and epizootiological significance of tuberculosis in cats and dogs Nowacki J. [digitized] 727
Beta-haemolytic types of spirochaetes isolated from swine in the Szczecin province . . . Wilk G. [digitized] 729
Typhlohepatitis in peacocks Bochdalek R., Podlewska D. [digitized] 731
Further investigations on the differentiation of cattle infected with brucellosis from cattle dnoculated with S 19, on the basis of the joint
interpretation of the results of the agglutination test and complement linking test
Ratom ski A. [digitized] 732
Therapeutic value of the preparation ,,Stimulex" in indigestions in ruminants Chwojnowski A., Fryc J. [digitized] 734
Diseases of fowl in the Łódź province Mendelewska J. [digitized] 739
Concentrations of semi-synthetic penicillin (Methiciillin-Chinoin) in blood and milk of cows after the intramuscular injection of the antibiotic Roliński Z.,
Fidecka H.
[digitized] 741
From the casuistics of simultaneous illness of humans and animals with leukaemia Halecki J. [digitized] 745
The author's observations on death of the embryo during the gravidity of cows Senze A. [digitized] 747
The passing — on of systems of transferin and blood antigens in cattle, according to the example of three pairs of calf-twins after Salomona
Balbierz H, Kaczmarek A., Nikolajczuk M., Senze A.
[digitized] 750
Symbolic determination of genotypes in the breeding of minks Zdunkiewicz T. [digitized] 752