Med. Weter. 22 (11), 641-704, 1966


Problems of vibriosis in bulls Hoppe R. [digitized] 641
Investigations on the use of organic esters of phosphoric acid in the control external parasites of farmed fish. II. Control of the invasion
of parasites of Daktylogyrus and Gyrodaktylus 644 Tarczyński S. Zoohygienic aspects of fighting the fascioiose of ruminants in Warmia
and Mazury regions. II. Presuppositions to the plan of fighting the invasion of Fasciola hepática on the territory of the Olsztyn province

Prost M., Studnicka M.
[digitized] 651
The present problems of neurodissecretion of parasitic worms Ramisz A. [digitized] 654
The formation of interferon of the virus of Aujeszky disease Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 657
An attempt to identify strains of Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis isolated from animals in the Katowice province . Furowicz A., Steffen J. [digitized] 660
An attempt at objective appraisal of the pre-slaughter state of nutrition in pigs Pezacki W., Jaroszewski Z. [digitized] 664
Pathogenic microorganisms in the slaughter-house outflow pipes. I. Microorganisms of Salmonella type Bojarski J. [digitized] 670
An influence of the condition of inbreeding on the changes of nitric compounds in fish-tissue Dąbrowski T., Podeszewski Z., Maniecka G.,
Wojciechowski J.
[digitized] 671
Use of Ronnel in veterinary medicine in the light of literature Klamer S. [digitized] 674
The appearance of the diseases insükworm (Bombyx mori L.) depending on the time of sending it to the rearers in Poland and their influence
on the collection of cocoons
Golański K. [digitized] 677
Observations on the action of Furazol W in coccidiosis of the intestines in chickens Stępkowski S., Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 681
Mycodermina in the treatment of fungus diseases in guinea-pigs Kamyszek F. [digitized] 683
Therapy of lichen tonsurans in cattle . Hauptman B., Kamiński K. [digitized] 685
Diathesis urica in New Hampshire chicks and chick embryos Podlewska D., Ptaszek J., Wachnik Z. [digitized] 687
Poisoning with „glikol" — not freezing liquid for car-coolers Markiewicz Z. [digitized] 690
Food poisoning in cows caused by excessive nutrition of grain decoction .... Owsiejczuk W., Wilczyński M., Olszewski A. [digitized] 690
A case of phrenic hernia in a cow .... Lipczyński A. [digitized] 692
The influence of Repelent R-10 on the increase of weight in calves Patyk S. [digitized] 692