Med. Weter. 22 (9), 513-576, 1966


Zoohygienic aspects of combatting fas -ciolosis in ruminants in the Warmian and Mazurian provinces. I. Analysis of environmental conditions and their
effece on the spread of an invasion of F. hepatica
Tarczyński S., Szepelski L. [digitized] 513
Clostridia in gas oedmas of wounds im domestic animals Cygan Z., Wawrzkiewicz K. [digitized] 518
Serotypes of E. coli connected with diseases in piglets. II. Serological taxonomy of strains of E. coli bacteria isolated in the Katowice province
from cases of Colianterotoxaemia in piglets
Furowicz A. [digitized] 522
Observations on rodentiosis in monkeys Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 525
Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a cause of lethality in duck embryos Dąbrowska A. [digitized] 528
XXXIV general Session of the International Epizootic Council (OIE) Lipnicki J. [digitized] 531
Observations and remarks on cattle leukaemia Cogie1 F. [digitized] 535
Microelements in treating papillomatosis in cattle Podbielski T., Gąsiorowski R., Rozynek H. [digitized] 541
Venographic pictures of the venous outflow from the head of the thighbone of a healthy limb and after cutting the neck of the bone in a dog
Jastrzębski T.
[digitized] 543
Two cases of Diprossopus in calves Pytel S., Świeżyński K. [digitized] 546
The suitability of Mepatar — ,.Polfa" in the treatment of domestic animals Augustynowicz L., Malinowski W., Markiewicz Z., Pulujański P.,
Stankiewicz W., Tomicki Z.
[digitized] 550
Mycosis of the nasal cavity in a dog Malicka E. [digitized] 551
A case of poisoning of slaughter chick swith a mixture of DK-A „Starter" similar to the picture of aphlatoxin poisoning Szpakowski J. A. [digitized] 552
Invagination of the stomach into the gullet in a dog Preibisch J. [digitized] 554
Pathogenic bacteria in brine baths Gołębiowski S., Wierzchołowska S., Lech J. [digitized] 555
Attempts at discovering Brucella bacteria in animal tissues by the method of immunofluorescence Gajos E., Le Garrec Y., Pilet Ch. [digitized] 559
The organisation of insemination and maintenance of bulls in the experimental Cattle Insemination Institute in L'Aigle (France) Morstin J. [digitized] 562
Modification and adaptation of Stojanowic's method of determining copper in small quantities of serum Wierciński J. [digitized] 564
The leukometr, a simple instrument for the indirect estimation of the number of leucocytes in the blood of cattle Zaid1er H., Heeschen W. [digitized] 565
A choked cyst of the tear gland (Dacryops) Szczudłowska M. [digitized] 568
Lesions of the rumem with the peritorieum in a cow shortly before labour, as the cause of a mistaken suspicion of acute traumatic
inflammation of the reticulum
Komorowski H. [digitized] 569
Fracture of the skull and frontal bone with extensive ex¬posure of the nasal cavity in a bull Gąsiorowski R. [digitized] 569
Operational removal of biolateral hernia in a foal Kosiński M. [digitized] 570
(transl.) Eletronarcosis in pigs Pytasz M. [digitized] 570
(transl.) Swedish training of veterinary sugeons and students in radiobiology Kossakowski S. [digitized] 571