Med. Weter. 22 (8), 449-512, 1966


The use of halothane in intratracheal anaesthesia in horses and cattle Modrakowski A. [digitized] 450
Narcosis of sheep with aqueous chloral Chwojnowski A., Wojtal B. [digitized] 458
Doepening of ge¬neral analgesia as a method of euthanasia Zaleska-Palider H. [digitized] 463
Investigations on infectious wasting inflammation of the nose in pigs Janowski H., Eulska W., Żu1iński T., Szulc L. [digitized] 466
Falsely positive titres in agglutination, their occurrence and interpre¬tation in the diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 472
The effect of liophilization on the antigen value of vaccine S-19 Teklinski A. [digitized] 476
The instructions in force regarding the diagnosis and combatting of bru cellosis in cattle Lipnicki J. [digitized] 483
An att empt at evaluating the principal products of the transformation of 1,614C glucose in raw smoked meats Pezacki W., Fiszer W. [digitized] 488
Necrotic foci in the livers of geese Diizewińska B., Wi1czyński M. [digitized] 495
Veterinary hydrotherapy Cena M. [digitized] 497