Med. Weter. 22 (6), 321-384, 1966


Investigations on the use of organic esters of phosphoric acid in the control of external parasites of farmed fish. I. Control of the invasion of Piscícola
geometra L
Prost M., Studnicka M. [digitized] 321
The significance of 2% solution of thè phosphororganic insecticide Z-50 in preventing hypodermatosis in cattle Patyk S. [digitized] 330
The effect of solganal B on the number of larvae of Trichinella sipralis Oven 1835 Czerpak R. [digitized] 331
The growth of ND virus, LaSota strain, in the spinal cord of chicks . . . Karczewski W. [digitized] 334
Chlorpromazine in the treatment of tetanus. The author's own observations Slesingr L. [digitized] 336
Treatment of fungal disease in guinea-pigs Kamyszek F. [digitized] 338
Observations on the combatting of myxomatosis cunicullorum in the town of Wroclaw Święch S. [digitized] 340
An attempt at artificial insemination of sheep at the ram-appraising stations . Kareta W., Osikowski M., Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 342
The technology of preparing bull semen for storage at low temperatures. HI. The insemination of cows with semen kept in liquid nitrogen
Wierzbowski S., Branny J., Bielański W.
[digitized] 345
A comparison of the estrogennic reaction of the cytogram of the vagina when feeding with lucerne and other selected fodders Madeyski S. [digitized] 348
The use of polyester knitted fabric in the operation of amputation of the horns Badura R., Buczek A., Osiński B. [digitized] 350
The anti-anaemic action of the preparation „Ferrodex — Polfa" in piglets Markiewicz Z.. Stankiewicz W., Tomicki Z. [digitized] 352
The stimulating action of „Ferrodex — Polfa" on erythropoesis in foals . . . Augustynowicz L., Malinowski W., Pawłowski K., Stankiewicz W. [digitized] 353
A case of poisoning withn botulin toxin type C in minks Wilczyński M., Owsiejczuk W., Olszewski A., Szymajda W. [digitized] 354
Measurements of skin temperatures in piglets Chudoba-Drozdowska B., Kozłowska K. [digitized] 356
Application of ,.Fodder Oxiterracine" in Pregnant and Suckle Sows Feeding Krautforst W., Kozłowski M. [digitized] 361
Ceruloplasmin and copper in the serum of pigs Daszyńska F., Kryński A., Nyrek S. [digitized] 363
The behaviour of certain metabolites in the blood of young cattle fed with large quantities of carbohydrates Kwiatkowski T., Preś J.,
Króliczek A.
[digitized] 366
The quantity of blood circulating and the life of erythrocytes in rabbits Toth Z., Obara T. [digitized] 369
A case of infection with pyogenic Corynebacterium in a chinchilla Chwalibóg J., Urbański M. [digitized] 371
Observations of the treatment of extensive necrosis of the skin by the grafting of dermal and epithelial pathes in a heifer Maciołek H. [digitized] 371
The significance of spring inspections of cattle in raising the standard of cattle health Budzyński J. [digitized] 373
Present problems in obtaining and using antibiotics Sarkisow A. Ch. [digitized] 374