Med. Weter. 22 (5), 257-320, 1966
Infectious cerebro-spinal encephalitis in birds, of type Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) Marek K., Roszkowski J. [digitized] 251
Sensitivity to anti-biotics of serotypes of E. coli isolated from cases of the diseases in pigs Truszczyński M., Borkowska B., Ciosek D. [digitized] 264
Enzootia of rodenciosis in patas-monkeys (Erytrocebus patas — Schreb) and green cockatoos (Cerco-pithecus callitrichus) in the Silesian
Zoological Gardens in Katowice Steffen J., Furowicz A.. Zieliński Z. [digitized] 270
Zoological Gardens in Katowice Steffen J., Furowicz A.. Zieliński Z. [digitized] 270
Diarrhoea in pigs caused by a bacterial strain with the biochemical properties of E. coli and the anti-gen properties of S. flexneri Chwalibóg J.,
Urbański M., Bartosz B. [digitized] 273
Urbański M., Bartosz B. [digitized] 273
The occurrence of CI. perfringens in the meat of pigs infected artificially with a toxic virus of cattle plague Kossakowska A. [digitized] 274
The role of the veterinary surgeon in the sanitary supervision of milk and milk products in Denmark . .' Szmid M. [digitized] 275
The use of trankwilina in the transport of fat pigs Czyrek B., Grzegorczak A., Kocjan H., Rojkowski A. [digitized] 279
Observations on the length of the period in which foals remain with their dams Zwoliński J., Siudziński S. [digitized] 282
Acute post-partum inflammation of the genital tract in cattle imported from Denmark Popławski J., Jand1 W. [digitized] 285
Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of mucous from the uterine cervix of cows Mazurczak J., Markowski A., Michalik J., Sitarska E. [digitized] 287
Low temperature freezing of rams' semen. II. Experiments with dilutants Branny J., Pilch J., Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 290
A simple method to facilitate diagnosis and prognosis in certain cases of lameness in cattle Lewandowski M'. [digitized] 292
Mass poisoning of pigeous with the phosphororganic insecticide ,,Metasystox" Bubień Z., Kotz J. [digitized] 294
Epizootiological analysis of leukaemia of cattle in the Leszczyński district Haremski T. [digitized] 295
Damage to the spinal cord in a horse, due to a suprameningeal haemorrhage Piusiński W., Szczypiorski S. [digitized] 296
Operative treatment of the rumen and walls of the belly, burst open by acute flatulence in cattle Rudek L. [digitized] 299
Króliczek A. Carotens and vitamin A in the blood of cattle from free-farming areas in Lower Silesia Barnecki W.. Hejłasz Z., [digitized] 301
A colorimetric method of determining choline esterase in biological material Juszkiewicz I'., Mizak B., Paleolog A. [digitized] 303