Med. Weter. 22 (4), 193-256, 1966
Specificity of the sticking reaction in the detection of carriers of tuberculosis bacilli in poultry Różańska M. [digitized] 193
Combatting brucellosis in animals in the light of materials from the conference of the international O. I. E Wołoszyn S. [digitized] 196
Anti-E. coli antibodies In the serum of hens with symptoms of disease of the respiratory tract Truszczyński M., Ciosek D., Cąkała A. [digitized] 200
The course and treatment of Toxocara canis in young arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) in fox-farm conditions Ramisz A., Zwierzchowski J. [digitized] 204
The suitability of the phosphororganic preparation Z-50 in the destruction of larvae of the bot-fly in cattle Patyk S. [digitized] 209
The use of the bacterioscopic method in the appraisal of tinned fish for freshness Zaleski S., Leszczyńska-Fik A., Sniegocka H. [digitized] 210
A sanitary-higienic appraisal of industrial methods of fishing off West Africa Ganowiak Z. [digitized] 213
A case of the poisoning of hens with the phosphororganic insecticide „Gusathion" Bubień Z. [digitized] 222
The use of Eikonal and Filopon in the treatment of foamy flatulence of the rumen in cattle Maciołek H. [digitized] 226
The suitability of Polish silicons in the treatment of foamy flatulence of the rumen in cattle Chrostowski T. [digitized] 226
Care in breeding and combating infertility in cattle in embryonic culture Czauderna A. [digitized] 227
Immunoelektrophoretic analysis of the mucus of the cervix of the uterus in cows. II. Immunoelektrophoretic picture of the mucus in the sexual cycle
of cows Michalik J. [digitized] 230
of cows Michalik J. [digitized] 230
Specific features and properties of breeding full-blooded horses in Poland Grabowski J. [digitized] 233