Med. Weter. 23 (11), 641-704, 1967
Carriership of pasteurella in cattle in the Warsaw province Frankowski M., Piotrowski J. [digitized] 650
Parasites of the alimentary tract of broiler guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) in the Zielona Góra province Dubieńska W.,
Linowska-Marchocka H. [digitized] 651
Linowska-Marchocka H. [digitized] 651
Enzymatic deficiencies in the etiopaihogenesis of catarrh of the alimentary tract in calves. II. Appraisal of the functioning of the liver on the
basis of the activity of certain enzymes and other indices of protein and colour changes Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 652
basis of the activity of certain enzymes and other indices of protein and colour changes Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 652
Comparative investigations on the open and closed method of joining intenstines in experimental conditions. 1 Fertig S., Michalski Z., Osiński B.,
Piecuch T. [digitized] 654
Piecuch T. [digitized] 654
Diaphragmal ruptures in cattle in the light of the authors' own observations Komar E., Koper S. [digitized] 658
Normand M. Illness in swine and .poultry caused by feeding with industrial mixtures Bohosiewicz M., Kocot M., [digitized] 661
The surgical clearance of the lumen of inteslir at the hip in a mare, where blockage was caused by the placenta .... Rymarczuk M. [digitized] 667
Selenium Suspension — Abbot in the treatment of dogs with skin diseases Augustynowicz L. [digitized] 668
Bacteriological investigations of sterilized canned meat, meat-and-vegetables, and offal during storage Wysłouch W., Hornowska S.,
Machoń-Wichłacz M. [digitized] 669
Machoń-Wichłacz M. [digitized] 669
Investigations on the possibility of using the flocculation test in checking the correctness of the pasteurization of canned meats Strzelecki E.,
Widenska T., Wysłouch W. [digitized] 674
Widenska T., Wysłouch W. [digitized] 674
Appraisal of the iodino test as regards the results of paper electrophoresis of serum proteins in the course of Aleutian disease of minks
Lange-Moroz E. [digitized] 680
Lange-Moroz E. [digitized] 680
Cholesterol and lecithin in serum and erythrocytes, acid resistance of red corpuscles and activity of cholesterol esterase in the blood after
effort in the horse Rotenberg S., Baranowski S., Czajczyńska A., Czerniak W. [digitized] 683
effort in the horse Rotenberg S., Baranowski S., Czajczyńska A., Czerniak W. [digitized] 683
The behaviour of the content of copper, iron and morphological elements of peripheral blood in heifers in the Głogów copper — mining region
Smyk S., Smyk I. [digitized] 686
Smyk S., Smyk I. [digitized] 686
The technique of growing Poxvirus avium in single cultures of chicken embryo cells and embryos of other species of domestic fowls. II. Reading
the results of infection and harvesting the virus Malicki K. [digitized] 687
the results of infection and harvesting the virus Malicki K. [digitized] 687