Med. Weter. 24 (11), 641-704, 1968
The new views on the etiology and pathogenesis of atrohic rhinitis of swine (Rhinitis atrophica infectiosa suum) . Mazurczak J. [digitized] 641
The modern laboratory methods of vital diagnostics of canine distemper Oyrzanowska-Poplewska J. [digitized] 647
The case of erysipelas in crane (Balearica pavonina) in the Sillesian ZOO Furowicz A., Madejski J., Nikodemska E., Zieliński Z. [digitized] 652
The investigations on the usefulness of Esb3 "Ciba" preparation in chick coccidiosis Pastuszko J. [digitized] 654
The oral cavity geotrichosis in dog, caused by Geotrichum candidum Damm A., Starz ycka-Woch H., Kolarz L., Myśliwiec D. [digitized] 656
Mycobacteriosis lymphonodica in swine. I. Studies on the occurence and etiology Prost E. [digitized] 658
The investigations on the mutual dependence between mastitis in cows and meat contamination by some bacteria groups Gajewski D. [digitized] 662
The application of rumenothomy in some diseases of alimentary tract in cattle Kostyra J. [digitized] 665
The investigations on the operative treatment of traumatic pericarditis of cattle Fryc J. [digitized] 672
The characteristics of mammary gland state of health in cows kept in barns with mechanic milking carried out wrongly Wiśniewski J.,
Grajewski H. [digitized] 681
Grajewski H. [digitized] 681
The occurrence of the microorganisms of Mycoplasma genus (PPLO) in sexual organs of cattle Branny J., Poteć Z. [digitized] 684
The level of some blood indicators and pH of urine in pigs with the watery structure of meat tissue Niezgoda J., Kołczak T., Wojtas M. [digitized] 686
The morphologic and biochemical blood indicators in healthy minks. I. The investigations on the establishing the proper value of some hematologic
indicators in the standard variety minks Grzebuła S., Zdunkiewicz T. [digitized] 690
indicators in the standard variety minks Grzebuła S., Zdunkiewicz T. [digitized] 690
Own method of receiving the leukocyte concentrate and substrate from cattle blood Szmigiel Z., Pawlik L. [digitized] 693
The foreign body placed in a corner of cow uterus as the indicator to open an abdominal cavity Trawka S. [digitized] 697
The case of operative healing of colonic atresia with secondary rupture of rectum Maciejaszek Z. [digitized] 697