Med. Weter. 24 (2), 65-128, 1968


Appraisal of introductory results of haematological investigations of cattle from great-shed affected with lymphatic leukaemias Balbierz H.,
Cogiel F., Nikołajczuk M., Senze A.
[digitized] 65
A comparative appraisal of inhealing of some suturing materials applied in surgery Michalska Z., Zalewska-Palider H., Kamiński A. [digitized] 70
Histological and histochemical investigations in the course of healing of the wound of uterine muscle in connection with different suturing materials
Trojnacki Z., Rubaj B., Uchacz S., Sikorski R.
[digitized] 73
Polish siliconic drugs Wasilewski J. [digitized] 78
Electrocardiography in healthy Fresien-Holstein breed cattle . Joszt B. [digitized] 79
The influence of Potassium on the activity of Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium and P-inorganic ions in serum of young fettening cattle fed with great
doses of silage of the sugar beet leaves
Króliczek A., Kwiatkowski T., Preś J. [digitized] 82
Casuistry of intoxications caused by some chemical compounds during 1960—1966 Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 85
Some problems of animal toxicology on the basis of work of chemico-toxicological laboratory of Department of Veterinary Hygiene in Białystok
Owsiejczuk W., Wilczyński M.
[digitized] 86
Colibacteriosis of pigs in Poland. Investigations on the aetiology and pathogenesis Janowski H. [digitized] 89
Enzoothy of colibacteriosis in ferrets Zdunkiewicz T., Grzebuła S. [digitized] 93
Tuberculization and haemolytic tests in cattle in the course of tuberculosis Dziąba K [digitized] 94
Investigations on the use of organic esters of phosphoric acid in the control of external parasites of farmed fish. IV. The therapeutic value of
Foschlor, Polish production .
Prost M., Studnicka M. [digitized] 97
The studies on the occurence of the viruses of Arbor group in the Cracow province. II. Antibodies against viruses from encephalitis group A and
B in sheep in the Nowy Targ district
Borysiewicz J., Poteć Z. [digitized] 101
The elements of mechanical programming of some properties of pasteurized canned ham and canned shoulder Pezacki W. [digitized] 104
Canned fish-chemical composition and its nutritive values Ganowiak Z. [digitized] 107
Comparison of the methods of obtaining of boar's sperm Wierzchoś A. [digitized] 109
Bacteria in ganders semen . Chełmonska B., Podlewska D„ Wachnik Z. [digitized] 112
. The influence of some factors on individual growth and developemcnt of piglets Gru dnie wska B., Krautforst W., Więcek E [digitized] 114
Polfamix A in feeding of laying hens Gawęcki K., Lipińska H., Harenza T. [digitized] 117
Breeding of Full Blood Horses in Soviet Union ... Deskur S., Sasimowski E. [digitized] 120
Swallowed foreign bodies -in a pig as a cause of colon occlusion Wziątek A. [digitized] 124
Rumenothomy in cattle in the case of intoxication caused by fertilizers Trawka S. [digitized] 125
Some observations on the choice of some methods of anaesthesia in Cesarean section in mare .... Kowaliszyn I. [digitized] 125
Amputation of prolapsed uterus in'a cow Obrączka A. [digitized] 125
Observations and considerations on organisation of new herd from heifers, bought and transported in the course on advanced pregnancy
Ciapała N.
[digitized] 126
Vetisulid in treatement of Salmonellosis in pigs . . Reksa M. [digitized] 126
Salmonella dublin — the cause of abortion Kozłowski S. [digitized] 127