Med. Weter. 25 (11), 641-704, 1969


Feeding and immunity to infectious diseases Masłowska E., Zalewski E. [digitized] 641
A case of Gumboro disease (Bursitis infectiosa) diagnosed in Poland Borzemska W., Golnik W. [digitized] 644
The usefulness of "Komarov" strain of NDV for immunization of chickens against Newcastle disease Karczewski W., Cąkała A.,
Raszewska H.
[digitized] 646
Immunity against distemper in minks Górski J., Motz J., Górska C [digitized] 649
Serological identification of Clostridium bacilli. II. The usefulness of Immunofluorescence technique (OIF) for diagnosis of CI. botulinum Jastrzębski T.,
Cygan Z.
[digitized] 653
Immunofluorescence test in diagnosis of brucellosis . . Bielecki S. [digitized] 656
Prophylaxis against bartonellosis in haematological examinations Przała J., Krzymowska H. [digitized] 659
Helmintazol as a drug against gastrointestinal nemathodes of sheep Romaniuk K, Tarczyński S. [digitized] 660
Leukosis in dogs and cats in the area of Warszawa Stankiewicz W., Pawłowski K., Janicka M. [digitized] 663
The usefulness of different haematological methods in veterinary practice Kurska E. [digitized] 664
The behaviour of transaminases (GOT) and GPT and magnesium in the blood serum of the flock of sheep in the course of enterotoxaemia disease
Kluczek J. P., Łosiński T.
[digitized] 667
Influence of diffe-rent factors on the height of losses in experimental breedings of Bom-byx mori L. during 1961—1965 in Poland Golański K.,
Składzień-Bielatowicz D.
[digitized] 671
Concentration of total protein and its electrophoretic fractions in the beestings during the first days of lactation in cows of lowland-black white
Koziorowska S., Koziorowski C [digitized] 675
Experimental spermiostasis of vas deferens in rams . Tischner M. [digitized] 679
Physiological ground for using of urea in feeding of ruminants Barej W. [digitized] 683
The application of aspirin in swine fattening 687 Raułuszkiewicz S., Ziemiński R. Application of cytogenetic method for estimation of the milking yield
of cows
Wajda S., Harski E. [digitized] 691
Tough fibroma in rumen of a heifer Mazurkiewicz A., Rotkiewicz T. [digitized] 694
Reticulosarcoma of a cat Bulik B. [digitized] 694
A case of ossification in the kidney of a dog Szaflarska-Stojko E. [digitized] 696
Occlusion owing to the invagination of ileum . . . Rybiński Z. [digitized] 696
Five cases of the perforation of abomasum in calves . . Żmudzki K. [digitized] 696