Med. Weter. 25 (8), 449-512, 1969


The influence of abnormal mechanical milking on theappearence of mamary gland diseases Samborski Z. [digitized] 449
Sight in horses in physiological and pathological conditions of sight organ Strzelecka A. [digitized] 453
Experimental hyporiboflavinosis in broilers Kolbuszewski T. [digitized] 457
In the mater of atypical leukaemia-like reactions in cattle Chłap Z., Kawecka-Jaszcz K., Szuperski T. [digitized] 461
Vaccination of cattle against pulmonary helminthiasis-biological basis of the problem Swietlikowski M. [digitized] 465
From the experiments of the treatement of syngamosis in pheasants with cyanacetic acid hydrazide Wiśniewski B. [digitized] 468
Bovine cytopathogenic viruses in Poland. Serological investigations (a preliminary report) Buczek J. [digitized] 470
Studies on infectious encephalitis of foxes (hepatitis in dogs) in Poland. III. Antibodies in sera of man and animals Górski J., Jastrzębski T.,
Górska C
[digitized] 471
Interaction between LaSota strain of NDV and Phelp strain of CELO virus in chick embryos Marek K., Borzemska W., Go1nik W. [digitized] 474
Further investigations on the sen¬sitivity of E. coli isolated from- pigs to antibiotics and nitrofurazone Truszczyński M., Ciosek D. [digitized] 476
The evaluation of anti¬bacterial activity of sulphathiazole, nitrofurans and antibiotics in vitro Tereszczuk S., Gronek W., Moncik M. [digitized] 478
Native standard of avian tuberculin PPD Spryszak A., Żórawski C, Wiśniewski Z. [digitized] 481
The level of total protein and proteinic fractions in sera of young bulls experimentally infected with Mycobacterium phlei Tomaszewska B.,
Bochdalek R., Nowacki J.
[digitized] 484
Electrophoretic investigations of sera and morphological investigations of blood of calves vaccinated with BCG Kawka B. [digitized] 486
Epidemiology of infectious diseases of alimentary tract in Poland with a special reference to 1960—67 years. Part III. Infectious virus hepatitis
Anusz Z.
[digitized] 488
A case of isolation of Salmonella braenderup from internal organs of dead calf in the Olsztyn voivodeship Flis I [digitized] 490
The role of the alimentary tract in the course of putrefaction process of flesh carcass Ogielski L., Zawadzki Z., Chmielowski W. [digitized] 491
Opinions and knowledge about meat as a food in XVIII century Wartenberg L. [digitized] 493
Studies on the possibilities of bacterial infections of semen stored directly in liquid Nitrogen Piasecka-Serafin M., Branny J., Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 497
The occurrence of mycotic flora in the vagine of bitches and its influence on the mucous membrane of vagine Malicka E. [digitized] 501
Examination of pulse and respiration in horses tested in stoutness trials and in physical training horses Czajkowski Z., Górski S., Kamiński W.,
Kubiak A.
[digitized] 503
Some remarques on the etiology and therapy of eczema in dogs Monastyrski J. [digitized] 506
A rare complication after poisoning of pigs with solanine Buczek A., MajeranW. [digitized] 507
Observations on castrations of abdominally testicond stallions Gajdek C. [digitized] 508
Lymphoma sarcomatosum in a sheep Kamiński B. [digitized] 508