Med. Weter. 25 (6), 321-384, 1969


Contemporary views on the physiology and pathology of thyroid gland in animals. I. Physiology of thyroid gland Ewy Z., Bobek S. [digitized] 321
Economical evaluation of chirurgical dehorning in some lactic cows Badura R., Buczek A., Osiński B., Pres J. [digitized] 326
Observations on the free amino acids in sera of cattle from enzootic centres of leukanaemia Kądziołka A., Kostarz T. [digitized] 328
Some observations on leukergy in the case of mastitis in cattle Kurek Cz., Karpińska K. [digitized] 331
Propositions in order to improve the health state of indigenous pigs. Part II Janowski H. [digitized] 335
Investigations on the species oppurtenance of some strains of Clostridium isolated from tissues of healthy cows Cygan Z., Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 338
Standarization of ABR test in cattle examined to brucellosis Anczykowski F. [digitized] 341
Attempts of the evaluation of the morbidity to tuberculosis in people in dependence to the morbidity in cattle in Olsztyn voivodship in 1962—1968
Bień M., Flis I., Flis J., Łubkowski J.
[digitized] 344
Investigations on the level of haemagglutinins, total protein and protein fractions in sera of tuberculine positive cows after tuberculinisation
Bochdalek R., Tomaszewska B.
[digitized] 345
Epidemiology of infectious diseases of alimentary tract in Poland with a special reference to 1960—1967 years. II. Alimentary intoxications
and dysentery
Anusz Z. [digitized] 349
Attempts of evaluation of the prophylactic vaccinatins of cattle against pulmonary helminthiasis with El-Dic vaccine in the Olsztyn voivodship in 1968
Przeorski A.
[digitized] 351
Usefulness of the phosphoorganic insecticide Z-51 in the control of hypodermatoses of cattle Patyk S. [digitized] 352
On sight efficiency of veterinary surgeons and trichinoscopists working in slaughter houses Ogielski L., Ogielska E. [digitized] 354
The antibiotic resistance of Clostridium isolated from some victuals Malik K [digitized] 357
Physiology of reproduction of exotic animals Short R. V. [digitized] 360
Preliminary observations on the influence of an artificial vagina in the collection of semen from bulls Masłowski S. [digitized] 362
Studies on the bioclimate of hen house Rączkiewicz J., Podgórski W., Majewski T., Kaczyński J., Derewicz J. [digitized] 364
Dry sugar beets as an industrial fodder for piglets Krautforst W., Grudniewska B., Wójciak M. [digitized] 367