Med. Weter. 26 (6), 321-384, 1970


Some lesions in slaughtered animals and their economical evaluation Lutyński W.. Wyszyńska H. [digitized] 321
The influence of parasites of swine on slaughtering losses Aleksandrowska I., Borowski H., Leszczyński J., Szczuka R., Walkowiak E., Wityk A.,
Zieliński E.
[digitized] 328
Current problems regarding the methods of examination of meat and its products as a topic of ISO Majewska D.. Żaboklicki A. [digitized] 329
The influence of milk cooling directly after milking on its microbiological quality Kielsznia R. [digitized] 331
Timing of oestrus in farm animals Hoppe R. [digitized] 334
Investigations on the effect of the treatment of ovarian cysts in cows with Nymfalon Romaniuk J. [digitized] 338
A haemorrhagic syndrome in poultry Borzemska W., Go1nik W. [digitized] 340
Investigations on the occurrence of yeast-like fungi of Candida albicans in chickens Różańska M., Samorek-Dziekanowska E. [digitized] 341
The immunizing value of experimental FMD vaccines prepared from type C virus, multiplicated in cell culture . Wiśniewski J., Baranowski C,
Jankowska J., Kobusiewicz T., Szklinik S.
[digitized] 345
Observations on the presence and control of brucellosis in cattle in the Olsztyn voivodship in 1963—1968 years Flis J., Flis I., Łubkowski J. [digitized] 348
Studies on infectious encephalitis in foxes (hepatitis in dogs) in Poland. V. The resistance of the virus to chemical compounds Górski J. [digitized] 351
Pathogenesis of vessel changes in the course of arteriosclerosis in cattle Rubaj B, Zioło T. [digitized] 353
Deviations in the bone structure on the evidence of X-ray pictures Nowicki M. [digitized] 356
Clinical evaluation of usefulness of indirect Bettege's test for the of determination clearance (C), inulin and paraamino-hippuric acid (PAH) in dogs.
I. The value of clearance, inulin and PAH in healthy dogs
Filar J., Pomorski Z. [digitized] 358
The action of trankwilin (chloropromazine) on the hybrids of aurochs (Bison bonasus) with domestic cattle Krasińska M. [digitized] 360
Some remarks on tenotomy in foals Strzelecki A. [digitized] 363
An operative procedure in the case of egg retention in the goose Foerster E. [digitized] 364
A regulation of blood circulation in the kidney Pytasz M. [digitized] 365
The influence of intoxication with phosphoorganic compounds on the activity of reticulo-endothelial system Kossakowski S. [digitized] 369