Med. Weter. 26 (4), 193-256, 1970
The isolation of parainfluenza — 3 virus in Poland from calves with the sings of bronchopneumonia Kita J. [digitized] 198
The first case of the isolation of C type Clostridium botulinum in Poland Cygan Z., Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 199
A case of Johne's disease in cattle in Kraków voivodship Ramisz A., Cąkała S., Szańkowska Z., Hoffman K., Damm A., Zahaczewski J., Danilczuk K.,
Jaremski A. [digitized] 203
Jaremski A. [digitized] 203
Dynamics of HI type immunity in chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease with the LaSota strain multiplicated in the presence of
CELO virus Borzemska W., Go1nik W. [digitized] 208
CELO virus Borzemska W., Go1nik W. [digitized] 208
The members of Bacillus subtilis group as a cause of disease of hens Mazurkiewicz M., Nowak Z. [digitized] 210
The estimation of ef¬ficacy of anti-liver fluke drugs in the control of fascioliasis in sheep Furmaga S., Sobieszewski K., Uchacz S. [digitized] 211
The activity of the Veterinary Institute in the field of virology in the last 25 years . Żebrowski L. [digitized] 214
Lesions in tibia and tarsus in the course of spastic paresis in cattle Lewandowski M. [digitized] 218
The plastic treatment of the porta of hernia in a horse by means of a foreign material Osiński B. [digitized] 222
The application of the AB-15 apparatus for a general anaesthesia in small animals Stójko A. [digitized] 226
A simple fracture of tibiotarsal bone in a golden eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla L.) Jaczewski Z, PolleschJ. [digitized] 228
Investigations on the content of choline in the fresh-water and sea fishes Buliński R., Kutulas K. [digitized] 229
The effectiveness of mechanical washing of wooden boxes for fish on the strength of microbiological examinations Grawiński E. [digitized] 231
Eexaminations of the usefulness of the applica¬tion of UV rays for reduction of secondary contamination of meat Wa1kowiak E.,
Watychowicz I., Watychowicz S., Leszczyński J., Zieliński E. [digitized] 235
Watychowicz I., Watychowicz S., Leszczyński J., Zieliński E. [digitized] 235
The methods for evaluation of the speed and the sort of movement of spermatozoons Plewińska-Wierzbowska D., Bielański W. [digitized] 237
The level of fibrinogen in cattle plasma in different physiological states Malinowska A. [digitized] 239
The dependence between the level of Copper in sera and in liver of cattle Saba L.. Podgórski W.. Rzączyński B. [digitized] 241
Total and free cholesterol in sera of wethers and sheep in different state of fatness Chomiczewska A., Rotenberg S. [digitized] 242