Med. Weter. 28 (9), 513-576, 1972


Atypical mycobacteria in pathology of men and animals Janowiec M. [digitized] 513
Virus diseases of the respiratory tract of horses Kita J. [digitized] 520
Investigations on the properties and antigenic structure of Streptococcus pluton. III. Sensitivity to some antibiotics, sulphonamides and nitrofurans
Gliński Z.
[digitized] 524
Serum proteins in chicks with inflammation of the bursa Fabrici Mazurkiewicz M., Wachnik Z. [digitized] 529
First cases of infectious encephalomyelitis of chickens in the Opole province Latała A., Dąbrowski J. [digitized] 531
Isolation and cultivation of Johne's bacilli Karpiński T. [digitized] 532
The antiglobulin test in the diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle Lewkowicz H. [digitized] 536
Autoimmunological reactions in the course of some diseases of domestic animals Schollenberger A., Bakalarska A. [digitized] 539
The investigations of aminoacid and protein levels in new-born calves fed with colostrum and simultaneously with protein hydrolysate
Hejlasz Z.
[digitized] 543
Pathophysiological problems concerned with mass breeding of pigs and calves Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 547
Artificial insemination of gilts regardless of oestrus symptoms after treatment with Turisynchrone and gonadotrophins Bielański A.,
Wierzchoś E.
[digitized] 550
Investigations on the experimental infectious orchitis in bulls Boryczko Z. [digitized] 552
The evaluation of radiometric measures of the body surface of animals to determine the rate of radioactive contamination of muscles and internal
organs with 134Cs
Jaworek D., Szulc M. [digitized] 557
Still about the rest before slaughter and its costs Czyrek B. [digitized] 560
Adaptation of trichinoscope for parasitological examinations Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 563
Rupture of the bile duct in the dog Chwilczyński M., Tarasewicz W. [digitized] 565
Two cases of hydronephrosis in the dogs surgically cured Stójko A., Szaflarska-Stojko E. [digitized] 565
Therapeutical efficacy of CuS04 and Nilverm in the control of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep Zieliński J. [digitized] 566
Observations on the application of neomycin in the therapy of diarrhoea in piglets Pieniążek J. [digitized] 567