Med. Weter. 28 (6), 321-384, 1972


Perspectives of the development of veterinary sciences Garbuliński T. [digitized] 321
Transmissible gastro-enteritis in pigs (TGE) and attempts of its diagnosis by means of immunofluorescence. I. Own investigations Sobiech T.,
Bochdalek R., Łosieczka K.
[digitized] 328
Enterotonon in the treatment of colibacteriosis in calves and piglets Dziąba K. A., Stryszak A. [digitized] 330
Investigations on brucellosis in hares Łosiński T., Chwalibóg J., Kempski W., Lewkowicz H., Owadiuk Z., Wiśniewski B. [digitized] 331
Evaluation ,,in vitro" of the antibacterial activity of oleandomycin against bacterial flora isolated from udder of cattle Gronek W., Flis I„ Flis J. [digitized] 335
Investigations on the efficacy and safety of Nilverm ICI in the treatment of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in sheep Furmaga S., Gundłach J. L.,
Sobieszewski K
[digitized] 336
Sedative action of Promazine in cattle Roliński Z., Nowak J., Bobryk S. [digitized] 339
The most often neoplasma of mouth in the dog and methods of their removal by means of thermocoagulation with Lancetron D Szaflarska-Stojko E.,
Stójko A.
[digitized] 343
The influence of dehelminthisation of animals, addition of cuprum sulphuricum to fodder and black-out on the results of industrial fattening
Grzywiński L., Grzegorza k A., Preś J.
[digitized] 345
Some observations on the changes in the semen and blood of bulls following experimental orchitis and seminal vesicultitis. III. Changes in blood
proteins and seminal plasma, and histological lesions in the reproductive organ
Boryczko Z., Czapla K, Furowicz A. [digitized] 349
Determination of the rate of infection of the process of tin production in case of fish liver acc. to Caucasian technique Życzyńska J..
Nawrocka K
[digitized] 355
Surgical removal of oesophagus obstipation in the cow complicated by perforation Mazurkiewicz T. [digitized] 357
The case of honey bee intoxication with industrial fall-out in Katowice province Nikodemska E., Patryn O. [digitized] 358
Ptosis ingluviei in the chicken of broiler type Rulka J., Ciosek D. [digitized] 359