Med. Weter. 28 (4), 193-256, 1972


Attempts to obtain an inactivated vaccine against Aujeszky's disease Wawrzkiewicz J., Jastrzębski T., Majdan S. [digitized] 193
Efficacy appraisal of Neovitan Polfa in the treatment of colibacillosis in animals Dziąba A., Kita J., Stryszak A. [digitized] 196
Reactions to johnin, avian and mammalian tuberculins in cattle affected with paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) Żurawski C, Spryszak A.,
Karpiński T.
[digitized] 200
Serological examinations for brucellosis of the veterinary staff in the Gdańsk province Królak M. [digitized] 203
The usefulness of Rompun for premedication in case of operations on hoofs and digits Badura R., Modrakowski A., Utzig J. [digitized] 207
Potential sources of intoxications in domestic animals. II. Sources of intoxications of domestic animals of asymptomatic course and problems
of biological environment pollution
Kryński A. [digitized] 210
The usefulness of Oxyvet in the treatment of calves and piglets Markiewicz K, Markiewicz Z., Kurska E. [digitized] 213
Suiverm in the treatment of intestinal nemathodes in pigs Tarczyński S., Romaniuk K., Szelągiewicz-Czosnek M. [digitized] 217
Investigations on the usefulness of Sull'atyf and Anticoccid in the control of intestinal coccidiosis in rabbits . Lineburg A., Pastuszko J. [digitized] 219
An attempt of treatment of strongyloidosis in horses by means of Pyrequan (Pfizer) Włodarczak C [digitized] 221
Lautecin and Neotarchocin-new drugs produced by Polfa Wole jko J. [digitized] 222
Mitotic activity changes of papilloma cells of cattle in the course of treatment with Poterium polygamum seeds Wardapietjan Sz. S. [digitized] 224
Diagnostic value of the determination of cholinesterase activity in the course of hen intoxication with phosphoorganic compounds
Sciesiński K.
[digitized] 225
Surgical treatment of spleen fibro-sarcoma in the dog Stójko A., Szaf1arska-Stojko E. [digitized] 228
The role of Chlamydia (Miyagawanella) in abortion of cattle Sadowski J. M., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 229
Australian investigations on reproduction in rams Mo ule G. R. [digitized] 233
DDT residues in animal tissues-controversy in relation to dr Adamczyk's report Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 237
The answer Adamczyk E. [digitized] 239
The effect of hydrocortisone on the serum lysosyme (neuraminidase) activity and on some granulocytic reactions in rabbits Prokopowicz D. [digitized] 241
Meningioma fibroblasticum in the cow Owczarowicz A. [digitized] 243
Operative removing helminth plug from ileum of the horse Blaszko W. [digitized] 244