Med. Weter. 27 (4), 193-256, 1971


Current topics of environment contamination and intoxication Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 193
Pathological consequences of intensive fattening of young cattle with granulated concentrates Kwiatkowski T. [digitized] 197
Investigations on the control of reticulitis traumatica in cattle with magnets Cąkała S., Bieniek K., Borkowski T., Albrycht A. [digitized] 200
Neotarchocin-a drug produced by „Polfa" — in the treatment of infectious dropsy of carp.... Gancarz B., Hejłasz Z„ Szerow D. [digitized] 204
Diabetes insipidus in the course of encephalitis in the horse Filar J., Zioło T., Sza1ecki J. [digitized] 205
The operation of left — sided dislocation and torsion of abomasum in the cow Znamierowski K. [digitized] .208
The influence of pigshed climate on the healthy state of swine. Part I. Mazurczak J. [digitized] 209
The influence of extra — heating and ventilation on microclimate conditions in the poultry — house Chodkowski A., Majewski T., Podgórski W.,
Kaczyński J.. Rączkiewicz J., Polonis A., Saba L.
[digitized] 212
Myxomatosis of rabbits and its control Górski J. [digitized] 216
Tuberculinization of tuberculous cows made in various periods of pregnancy Spryszak A., Romaniuk J. [digitized] 218
The effect of atypic mycobacteria on the appearance of positive tuberculin reactions in hens Różańska M. [digitized] 221
Attempts of IF application for routine diagnosis of hog cholera virus in pathologic material Janowski H., Wijaszka T. [digitized] 225
X-ray examinations in the course of atrophic rhinitis of swine Krawiec Z. [digitized] 227
Studies on the aetiology of necrotic lesions in internal organs of fattening geese. Part 1 Cygan Z., Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 231
The incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in animal materials Kozłowski S. [digitized] 234
The analysis of losses caused by alimentary roundworms in pigs in industrial fattening premises in the Kraków voivoship Ramisz A., Urban E.,
Dec J., Gocyla J.
[digitized] 235
The efficacy of Zanil ICI in the treatment of preimaginal fasciolasis in sheep Furmaga S., Gundłach J. L., Sobieszewski K. [digitized] 238
Attempts of Zanil ICI application in the treatment of chronic paramphistomatosisin cattle Romaniuk K. [digitized] 240
Thelasiosis in cattle in the Żuławy Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 241
The behaviour of sex chromatin in cryptorchic dogs Raułuszkiewicz S., Senze A. [digitized] 243
Vitamin A in the liver of slaughter-red rabbits Wartenberg L, Monkiewicz J. [digitized] 245
The value of IF test in dependence on the preliminary multiplication method of Salmonella in meat ... Skoczek A. [digitized] 248