Med. Weter. 27 (2), 65-128, 1971


Myxomatosis in rabbits Steffen J. [digitized] 65
Common viral diseases of cats. III. Picornavirisis of cats (Picornavirosis felium) Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 68
The adaptation of LEP and HEP Flury's strains to tissue cell culture and their interference phenomenon with distemper virus (a preliminary report)
Górski J., Górska C
[digitized] 70
Evaluation of sera against Clostridium botulinum A, B, E and F for diagnostic purpose Mierzejewski J. [digitized] 73
The sensitivity of E. coli strains, pathogenic for pigs, against antibiotics Kucharski B. [digitized] 74
Trichomoniasis in chickens . Podlewska D., Wachnik Z. [digitized] 75
KR — a new device making more efficient the coproscopic diagnosis of liver fluke Romaniuk K. [digitized] 77
Paramphistomatosis of cattle Wieczorowski S. [digitized] 79
The particular case of domestic animals pollution with polychloric insecticides Juszkiewicz T., Stec J. [digitized] 81
The problem of pollution of biologic environment and domestic animals with mercury Szprengier T. [digitized] 82
The clinical value of Lautecm Hauptman B., Wiśniewski J., Jara S. [digitized] 86
Clinical evalaution of Neotarchocin produced by „Polfa" Gancarz B., Hejłas z Z., Ugorski L. [digitized] 89
The influence of nutrition with the leaves of sugar beetroots on the healthy state of cattle in Żuławy Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 92
Investigations on the level of Fe, Cu and protein in sera of sows with the symptoms of anaemia Kozłowska I., Kozłowski S. [digitized] 94
The project of device and method to evaluate the working capacity and motion of draught-horses. Sasimowski E. [digitized] 96
The influence of vitamin A and dried carrot addition on the number of born piglets in a farrow and their growth during the first weeks of life
Korniewicz A.
[digitized] 99
DDT translocation in the organism of hens due to hunger Adamczyk E. [digitized] 103
The examinations of the environment of a slaughter -house with regard to Salmonella infection Goliszewski K., Meuszynski S., Terech I. [digitized] 106
The investigations on the possibility of modification the methodics of temperature determination of pasteurized hams Pawelczak M. [digitized] 109
Mycoplasma in bull's semen. II. Serological properties of mycoplasm isolated from semen Branny J., Zgorniak-Nowosielska I. [digitized] 113
The cow recovery from multiple sting by bees ... Weclawski A. [digitized] 116
The case of breeding a double-feced-calf Sikora Z. [digitized] 116
Cases of Schistosoma reflexurn in own gynecologic practice .. Caban M. [digitized] 117