Med. Weter. 29 (11), 641-704, 1973
The role of atypical mycobacteria in sensitization of pigs to mammalian and avian tuberculins Żórawski C, Karpiński T., Sapeta A. [digitized] 641
Enzootic pneumonia in pigs of great scale breeding. I. The role of environmental factors in the aetiology of the disease Mazurczak J. [digitized] 643
Investigations on the aetiology of paralytic status in broilers Wawrzkiewicz J., Zioło T., Cygan Z. [digitized] 647
Prophylactic and therapeutic application of immunoglobulins in calves infected with PI-3 virus and Pasteurella multocida and Salmonella dublin
Radomiński W., Kondracki M., Żmudziński J. [digitized] 651
Radomiński W., Kondracki M., Żmudziński J. [digitized] 651
The application of autovaccine in the control of Streptococcal mastitis in cows Kozłowski S. [digitized] 653
Histomonadosis of chickens- trials of treatment Borzemska W., Zając H., Dziadek M., Milicki E. [digitized] 658
The dependence of biology of Galba truncatula O. F. Mull, and Golba occulta Jackiewicz on environmental conditions Szepelski L. [digitized] 660
Surgical glues for tissues. I. The properties of surgical glues- monomers of alpha cyanoacrylic acid esters Studnicki W. [digitized] 662
The level and spectrum of free amino acids in the serum of horses of various salves He j lasz Z., Gottwald J. [digitized] 665
A trial of analysis of certain complications after mastectomy in bitches . Borkowska E. [digitized] 667
A case of reticulo-sarcoma multicellulare in a bull diagnosed clinically as a traumatic indigestion Rutkowiak B., Twardowski H. [digitized] 673
Problems of breeding disturbances in farm animals in Polish law regulations Lutyński W. [digitized] 676
The activity of gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase, acid and alcaline phosphatases in the semen of fertile dogs and with some disturbances in fertility
Dubiel A. [digitized] 679
Dubiel A. [digitized] 679
Observations on the contents of morphologically changed spermatozoons in the semen of bulls in one year period Flis J., Lutczyk J. [digitized] 684
A case of granulomatomas in a bull related aetiologically with bedsoniasis of the genital tract Boryczko Z., Szańkowska Z., Majchrzyk H. [digitized] 687
The frequency of Staphylococcus aureus occurrence in milk from chronic and latent infections of the udder Sylwester K. [digitized] 688
The examination of a status of bacterial contamination of trichinoscopic samples Nowicki L. [digitized] 692
The influence of Grofas and Novamix on the growth of young pigs at the age of 7—14 weeks Grudniewska B., Kurcman B., Jarczyk A.,
Krautforst W. [digitized] 696
Krautforst W. [digitized] 696
The treatment of strangulations in cattle by means of rumenothomy . . . Kluczniok P. [digitized] 700