Med. Weter. 29 (9), 513-576, 1973
Swine dysentery. Part II. Current views on the control and therapy . . . Mazurczak J. [digitized] 516
Intoxication of cattle with urea in the light of post-mortem laboratory examinations Bohosiewicz M., Mikołajczak B. [digitized] 519
Clinical symptoms following epidermal application of Neguvon in cattle Kossakowski S., Patyra S., Stryczek J. [digitized] 524
Mass poisoning in bees and carrier pigeons by organophosphorus insecticide Dimetoate Bubień Z., Mostafa el Herrawie [digitized] 529
Alcohol extracts of propolis in the treatment of certain skin diseases in dogs Gabryś A., Wiśniewska Ł., Zahaczewska M. [digitized] 530
Diseases transmitted from men to animals 538 Mardarowicz C, Szyszko B., Mardarowicz L. [digitized] 538
Investigations on the etiology of keratoconjunctivitis in cattle Kucharski B., Dąbrowski T., Patyra W., Staniewska R. [digitized] 541
Studies on the therapy of fasciolasis in ruminants. I. The efficacy of Rafoxanide and Dovenix Chowaniec W., Darski J., Cymborski T. [digitized] 543
A case of a structure anomaly in the plerocercoids of Ligula intestinalis L Wandurski A., Zając H. [digitized] 545
The evaluation of the efficacy of Banminth in comparison with NaF in ascaridiosis of pigs Rokicki J., Kopczewski A. [digitized] 548
The report from XXth European Conference of the Comission on Foot-and-Mouth Disease of the FAO, Rome 10—13 April 1973 Lis H.,
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 549
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 549
Biochemical indices applied to the estimation of the semen quality of domestic animals. VII. Immunological characteristics of the plasma semen
proteins of bulls with inflammation of the reproductive tract Strzeżek J., Liminowicz J., Rotkiewicz T. [digitized] 553
proteins of bulls with inflammation of the reproductive tract Strzeżek J., Liminowicz J., Rotkiewicz T. [digitized] 553
Dynamics and development of Staphylococcus aureus in milk stored at various temperatures Sylwester K., Chmielowski W. [digitized] 557
Survival rate of chosen serotypes of Escherichia coli in fodder — Mlekopan M Wartenberg L., Chmielowski W., Preś J., Trębusiewicz B. [digitized] 560
Free-martinism in the heifer in the light of own observations Madej J. A., Stańczyk J. F. [digitized] 563
Observations of the use of drugs in poultry coccidiosis Latała A., Paciejewski S., Wójcik A. R. [digitized] 564
Attemps of the treatment of diarrhoea of pigs and calves with Polisulfamid „Biowet" Niedoba E. [digitized] 565
Resorption from the alimentary tract of piglets in the first days of their life and consumption of radioactive iron-dextran complex in the haematopoetic
pro cess Krzymowski T., Przała F., Przała J., Czarnocki J., Jabłoński T. [digitized] 567
pro cess Krzymowski T., Przała F., Przała J., Czarnocki J., Jabłoński T. [digitized] 567
The sensiti vity of bacterial strains isolated from milk obtained from cows of large scale breeding in the Opole province Dąbrowska A.,
Orant-Wityk J. [digitized] 569
Orant-Wityk J. [digitized] 569
p-KR-2 — a new model of a apparatus for coproscopic diagnostic of fascioliasis - Romaniuk K. [digitized] 570