Med. Weter. 29 (8), 449-512, 1973
Examinations on mastitis in cows of large scale breeding in the Gdańsk province. VI. Treatment in the course of drying-off Kurek C, Jankowski J.,
Ubysz H. [digitized] 456
Ubysz H. [digitized] 456
Investigations on the content of ash, Ca, P and Mg and the influence of mineral mash MM on the balance of these elements in bones of cattle
Dąbrowski T., Romanowska M., Kucharski B., PatyraW., Staniewska R. [digitized] 460
Dąbrowski T., Romanowska M., Kucharski B., PatyraW., Staniewska R. [digitized] 460
The influence of NaHCOs on PAH-clearance of laying hens Mazurkiewicz M., Nicpoń J., WachnikZ. [digitized] 462
The influence of monolinuronum of histological picture of rats organs Nikodemska E., Szaf larska- Sto j ko E. [digitized] 465
Utilization of the laboratory investigations by executing chirurgical parturition of bitches and cats Urbańska D. [digitized] 466
Present views on the immunological phenomena of insects. II. Acquirement of immunity . Gliński Z. [digitized] 469
Genetic investigations of the boar and sow having abnormal breed Balbierz H., Kluczniok P. [digitized] 477
Biochemical indices applied to the determination of semen quality of domestic animals. VI. Alterations of semen plasma proteins in bulls with
inflamatory changes in genital tract Strzeżek J., Rotkiewicz T., Liminowicz J. [digitized] 479
inflamatory changes in genital tract Strzeżek J., Rotkiewicz T., Liminowicz J. [digitized] 479
The outbreak of bedsoniasiswin a herd of bulls Boryczko Z., Sadowski J. M., Truszczyński M., Majchrzyk H. [digitized] 483
Corrosive and destructive properties of Sterinol, Hibitan and Tagonin Szulc M., Tropiło J., Kiszczak L., Jaworek D., Szczawiński J. [digitized] 486
Studies on the topography of the appearance of Cysticercus bovis in muscles and internal organs Kozakiewicz B., Dziurla Z., Okleja E.,
Orzechowski J., Pawłowski S., Śliwiński Z. [digitized] 489
Orzechowski J., Pawłowski S., Śliwiński Z. [digitized] 489
Bacteria from Salmonella genus in animal and feeding mash tested at veterinary station in Warsaw in the period 1966—1972 Maciak T.,
Trippenbach B. [digitized] 492
Trippenbach B. [digitized] 492
The influence of hygienic measures (disinfection with chlorhexidine) on the health state of bovine udder Romaniukowa K., Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 496
The use of argonic-mercury lamp in the treatment of chronic external otitis in dogs . Cieclian R. [digitized] 500
The later observation after the alloplasty of the abdomen coat of big animals . Kowaliszyn I. [digitized] 501
Aerosol-detreogent" in treatment of the vesicular exanthema of swine . . . Niedoba E. [digitized] 502
Detection of histamine-pectic strength in sera of dogs by use of latex-agglutination test Pomorski Z. [digitized] 504
The determination of the volume of circulating plasma in rats by means of a stabilized fat suspension Baranowicz J. W. [digitized] 507