Med. Weter. 29 (6), 321-384, 1973
Factors determinating the occurrence of mastitis in cows in large breeding cowsheds with milking machines Samborski Z. [digitized] 321
The influence of breeding conditions in litterless cowsheds on the healthy state of udders in cows of a large scale breeding Kurek C [digitized] 325
The role of herborization in the prophylaxy and treatment of alimentary tract disturbances in piglets Mazurczak J., Kotowski K., Pieniążek J. [digitized] 329
The resection of the tibial nerve as a therapeutic method of the early form of spastic contracture of posterior extremities in cattle Badura R.,
Osiński B., Grimm H. [digitized] 332
Osiński B., Grimm H. [digitized] 332
The behaviour of PAH clearance in hens fed with fodder containing a low level of vitamin A Mazurkiewicz M., Nicpoń J., Wachnik Z. [digitized] 335
Fluorosis of the mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) in Poland Golański K., Rzeszótko M., So1iński P. [digitized] 340
The influence of some fraction of the seeds of Poterium polygamum on papillomatosis of cattle Wardapietjan Sz. S. [digitized] 343
Detection of microorganisms of Escherichia genus in industrial feed mixtures Ciosek D., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 344
The immunological value of FMD vaccine for pigs acc. to Frenkl Łabęcka W., Kobusiewicz T., Szki1nik S., Wiśniewski J., Baranowski C [digitized] 347
Studies on bacterial contaminations in a hetching factory Surowiecki K.,
Karczewski W. [digitized] 349
Karczewski W. [digitized] 349
Studies on the serological diffsrer.tiation of the strains of Mycobacterium avium isolated in Poland. V. The influence of serological
differentiation of Mycobacterium avium on the results of agglutination and indirect haemagglutination tests in hens experimentally infected
with M. avium Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 353
differentiation of Mycobacterium avium on the results of agglutination and indirect haemagglutination tests in hens experimentally infected
with M. avium Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 353
A bacterial contamination of the prepuce and semen of bulls in the course of semen collection into artificial vagina Piasecka-Serafin M. [digitized] 361
Examinations on the extensiveness of cysticercosis in cattle in the Poznań province Kozakiewicz E. [digitized] 365
The application of Slanetz's medium and biochemical exami¬nations to the identification of enterococci isolated from food Malik K. [digitized] 368
A simple device to prepare the mixture of air with carbon dioxide for cell cultures Buczek J. [digitized] 370