Med. Weter. 29 (3), 129-192, 1973


Disturbances in the metabolism of magnesium in animals Prost M. The control of fish diseases under rearing conditions-possibilities
and perspectives
Fitko R. [digitized] 129
Examinations on the toxic effect of Linurone. Kaszubkiewicz C, Kita K., Kołodziejczyk A. [digitized] 133
Observations on artificially performed reticulitis traumatica in cattle Bieniek K. [digitized] 138
Diseases of the honey-bee in the Łódź province in 1964—1971 Mendelewska J. [digitized] 140
Utilization of some vaccines in 1968—1970 Lis H. [digitized] 143
Combined vaccination of swine in the D. fattening-house Chwalibog J., Bartosz B. [digitized] 148
Attemps of oral immunization of chickens against Newcastle disease by means of the vaccine prepared in cells Rulka J. [digitized] 150
Studies on serological differentiation of Mycobacterium
avium strains isolated in Poland. II. The analysis of antigenic structure of Mycobacterium avium
Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 153
Marek's disease in broilers. Clinical and pathological diagnosis Golnik W., Panufnik H [digitized] 160
A case of the occurrence of Salmonella takoradi in ducks in the Katowice province Butrym-MalczewskaB., Wachowicz R. [digitized] 163
Examinations of the occurrence of the bacteria of Corynebacterium genus in the udders of milking cows. I. Laboratory diagnosis, listing
and seasonal occurrence
Kurek C [digitized] 164
The investigations on the efficacy of Terenol R (Hoechst) in the treatment of moniesiasis in ruminants Grzywiński L., Kluczniok P. [digitized] 167
Investigations on immunological conflict in pigs. II. Detailed diagnostic examination . Balbierz H., Kluczniok P., Nikołajczuk M., Wiatroszak I. [digitized] 168
Variability of superficial microflora of frozen meat Zawadzki Z. [digitized] 171
Comparative investigation on diagnosis of cysticercosis in cattle in industrial slaughter-houses and field laboratories of the Veterinary Sanitary
Inspection (WIS)
Kozakiewicz B., Majewicz T. [digitized] 173
Losses due to Trichinella spiralis invasions in pigs Walkowiak E., Wityk A., Watychowicz L, Aleksandrowska I. [digitized] 176
Practical observations on the usefulness of diethylstilboestrol in the reproduction of cows and heifers . Kotowski K. [digitized] 177
Normal parturition in a case of leukaemia of the genital organ of a cow Stańczyk J. F., Madej J. A. [digitized] 180
Examinations of microflora of air in a cow shed Majewski T., Rączkiewicz J., Obal H. [digitized] 181
Enzymatic protein hydrolyzate (EHB) as a medium for bacteriological purposes Melnarowicz T. [digitized] 185