Med. Weter. 30 (12), 705-768, 1974


Chosen problem; from immunology of brucellosis Królak M. [digitized] 707
Studies on the occurrence of avian and atypical mycobacteria in pigs Żurawski C, Karpiński T.. Skwarek P. [digitized] 711
Studies on the occurrence of acid-fast bacilli in lymph nodes of slaughtered pigs Wilczyński M., Janowiec M., Hołub M. [digitized] 714
The action of some disinfectants on SVD virus Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 717
Studies on the sensitivity of Bacilli isolated from honey, bee larvae to nitrofurans Gliński Z., Czycza M. [digitized] 720
Studies on the course of enteritis ulcerativa in chickens Cygan Z., Nowak J. [digitized] 723
Colivac S in the prophylaxy of colibacteriosis in pigs in large breed fattening Gołębiowski S., Barancewicz S. [digitized] 723
The problem of leucosis in food hygiene of animal origin Prost E. [digitized] 729
Model studies on a thermoresistance of Bac. stearothermophilus in homogenized tins of vegetable-meat Michnikowska W., Wartenberg L. [digitized] 732
Cattle cysticercosis in the Rzeszów province in 1964—1973 Zając A. [digitized] 736
New regulations about animal and meat inspection in DDR Frankowski M., Mika M. [digitized] 738
The content of Hg in the tissues of salmon trouts (Salmo trutta morpha trutta L.) catched in nets at the mouth of Vistula Studnicka M. [digitized] 739
The usefulness of a gas thermocautei;to the deterioration of corn bundles in calves Buczek A. [digitized] 741
The content of Cu and Co in the blood and the skin of cattle Wardapietjan Sz. S. [digitized] 743
The control of ectoparasites of poultry in large scale breeding Wachnik Z. [digitized] 744
Some effects of ethorphine on the behaviour and pharmacological reaction of rats and dogs Kania F. [digitized] 746
Cesarean section — a field operation Prost J. [digitized] 750
Melanoma malignum in the spleen of pig Szaflarska-Stojko E., Caban M. [digitized] 750
A case of kidney cisticercosis in a yound pig Czerniak M., Szczuka R. [digitized] 751
A case of idiopathic rupture of the uterus W i niecki B. [digitized] 751