Med. Weter. 30 (9), 513-576, 1974
The contribution of OIE to the development of sciences about infectious diseases of animals — 50 th unniversary of existance
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 515
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 515
The present views on the epizoothiology of rabies in free — living animals Baczyński Z. [digitized] 518
The assay of the methods of the isolation and identifica¬tion of microorganisms of Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma genus occurring in pigs
Truszczyński M., Pilaszek J. [digitized] 521
Truszczyński M., Pilaszek J. [digitized] 521
Problem of bacterial amines produced by anaerobic bacteria . . Cygan Z., Jałowiec Z. [digitized] 526
Prandota J. Prophylaxy of bronchopneumonia in young beef cattle by the use of „Parabovac" Kita J., Oyrzanowska J., [digitized] 531
Pyrequan-Pfizer in the treatment of intestinal nemathodes in horses Romaniuk K., Tarczyński S. [digitized] 534
Studies on the usefulness of Masticort C „Biowet" in the treatment of mastitis in cows Krzyżanowski J., Malinowski E., Drewnowski F.,
Wrona Z. [digitized] 536
Wrona Z. [digitized] 536
The mechanism of action of phosphoorganic pesticides on animals. II. Reactivation of cholinesterases in intoxication caused by phosphoorganic
pesticides Kossakowski S. [digitized] 541
pesticides Kossakowski S. [digitized] 541
Studies on the economic harmfulness of Mallophagian infestation (Mallophaga). III. The influence of Mallophagian infestation on a decrease
of body weight in hens and turkeys Deryło A. [digitized] 544
of body weight in hens and turkeys Deryło A. [digitized] 544
Fudalewicz-Niemczyk W., Urban E., Nowosad B. Studies on the usefulness of Sagimid — granulate in the control of moniesiasis in sheep
Ramisz A., [digitized] 547
Ramisz A., [digitized] 547
Selected physico — chemical characteristics of iodophor preparations of the Pollena and Ciba-Geigy Habaj B., Zebracki A., Jonderko P.,
Hutnikiewicz I. [digitized] 551
Hutnikiewicz I. [digitized] 551
Prophylaxy against semen infection. II. The screen of the bull prepuce against infection in the course of semen collection
Piasecka-Seraf in M. [digitized] 554
Piasecka-Seraf in M. [digitized] 554
Enzootic of chlamydiasis in the flock of sheep in the Kraków province Zahaczewski J., Ramisz A., Sadowski J. M., Wierzchoś E. [digitized] 556
The influence of sea environment of the south Baltic on the degree of fish infection in the selected fishing reservoirs Grawiński E. [digitized] 563
Cytological studies of milk from milk purchasing centres in chosen region of Poland Kiełsznia R., Jakubiak R., KurpiewskaW. [digitized] 566
The influence of an enriched medium and conditions of preliminary multiplication on the frequency of Salmonella isolation from fish meals
Obuchowska-Duś B. [digitized] 570
Obuchowska-Duś B. [digitized] 570
The adaptation of a diascope for the counting of plaques in cell tissue cultures Bartoszcze M. [digitized] 572