Med. Weter. 31 (12), 705-768, 1975
Investigations on the influence of temperature on the biological properties of some attenuated and field strains of bovine PI-3 virus Oyrzanowska J.,
Kita J. [digitized] 707
Kita J. [digitized] 707
The evaluation of an immunizing value of trivalent foot- and-mouth disease vaccine produced by Roger Bellon Laboratory for pigs
Łabęcka W., Kobusiewicz T., Wiśniewski J. [digitized] 709
Łabęcka W., Kobusiewicz T., Wiśniewski J. [digitized] 709
Evaluation of the efficacy of atentative series of Polish vaccine against Marek's disease under field conditions . Cąkała A.,
Samorek-Dziekanowska E., Gaździński P. [digitized] 712
Samorek-Dziekanowska E., Gaździński P. [digitized] 712
Comparison of some properties of Newcastle disease virus of different origin Minta Z., Karczewski W. [digitized] 715
Trials on the isolation and identification of Haemophilus gallinarum from hens 719 Różańska M. [digitized] 719
Examinations on the modification of diagnostic methods in case of infection with IBR/IPV virus Majewska H., Baczyński Z. [digitized] 722
Microorganisms of Enterobacteriaceae family in the alimentary tract of normal pigs Maciak T. [digitized] 726
Studies to establish optimal terms of antihelmintic treatment of sheep Malczewski A., Fudalewicz-Niemczyk W., Nowosad B., Peliński M. [digitized] 728
The influence of periarterial sympathectomy on the bone fragments adhesion Brzeski W. [digitized] 732
Treatment of demodectic magne by means of chlorfenwinfos derivates. Part V Janeczek W., Koprowski J., Patyk S. [digitized] 736
The activity of gamma-glutamylo-transpeptidase (GGTP) in the blood of normal and leukaemic cattle Sobiech E., Sobiech K. A. [digitized] 738
Enzooty of mycosis in turkeys in the course of mycoplasmosis treated with antibiotics Stankiewicz J. [digitized] 740
Studies on the usefulness of Nilzan ICI in the control of fascioliasis and gastrointestinal round-worms in cattle Chowaniec W., Ziomko I.,
Wojtoń T., Piątkowski S. [digitized] 741
Wojtoń T., Piątkowski S. [digitized] 741
The effect of chloramphenicol on the activity of serum lysozyme in the rabbit Prokopowicz W., Ziobro J. [digitized] 744
A case of angiolei omyosarcoma in the liver of a cow 746 Pietrzak J., Nowacki W. A seldom case of a hydrops in a sheep Czerniak E.,
Nietupski M. [digitized] 746
Nietupski M. [digitized] 746
Histological changes of the muscular tissue and its some components during storage in a refrigerator Dzierżyńska-Cybulko B., Pospiech E. [digitized] 747